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Another climate activist arrives at another climate summit. The BFD. Photoshop by Lushington Brady.

The definition of insanity is said to be doing the same thing and expecting different results. But as our elites push relentlessly for the same energy policies that have crippled Germany and Britain, blacked out Texas during a winter freeze, and sent electricity prices through the roof everywhere they’ve been tried, the question we have to ask is:

Are they just crazy, or are they doing this on purpose?

Everywhere that the climate cultists have driven uptake of “renewables”, the result has been the same: spiralling prices and collapsing energy security. In Britain, thousands of elderly and poor people die every winter because they can’t afford to keep their heaters on. Germany, which spent years boasting about its “Energiewende”, is now completely dependent on Vladimir Putin for basic energy security.

Australia’s ruling classes have completely ignored the incontrovertible real-world evidence, and now the same is happening here.

Electricity costs have surged with wholesale prices hitting a new record in June of $349 per megawatt hour and showing no signs of easing anytime soon, JP Morgan said.

The June price was a 162 per cent leap from the same time last year while LNG spot prices have soared to $US38 per million British thermal units, four times normal levels, despite being a lower demand seasonal period during the Northern Hemisphere summer.

It’s only going to get worse unless we change course dramatically — which, with a far-left Labor leader dependent on the Greens, is about as likely to happen as a climate cultist understanding real science.

And by “worse”, I mean “catastrophic”.

Australia’s power grid faces a threat and may become overwhelmed in the next decade as households take up mass charging of electric vehicles at night-time, consultancy Cornwall Insight Australia has warned.

Data predicts significant household peaks in electricity charging demand between 7pm to 10pm after EVs have been used during the day which could cause major problems for the network given existing heavy use of the network at the same time.

The Australian

Which brings us back to my initial question: Are they doing this on purpose?

Who, after all, benefits the most from the mad renewables push, and pays the least cost?

Is a Teals voter in posh Double Bay going to struggle to pay their power bills? Can a working-class family in outer-Eastern Melbourne afford an EV that costs at least as much as a BMW?

The beneficiaries of the billions of taxpayers’ dollars poured into useless renewable wrecking-balls aren’t just the billionaires sucking up government subsidies and tax breaks, either. Uptake of household solar has been overwhelmingly driven by tax-breaks and rebates that went straight into the pockets of upper and middle-class households.

So, as you’re shivering through a dark winter night with no power, ask yourself: who are the winners and losers from all this?
