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Foreign criminals react to the High Court ruling. The BFD. Photoshop by Lushington Brady.

A bad wog with a Get Out of Jail Free card goes on the lam. Well, who couldn’t have seen that coming?

Maybe John Kerry, who, when told a freed Gitmo jihadi had gone right back to his jihadin’ ways, mumbled, “Uh… well… he’s not supposed to do that”. Because, if you can’t trust a jihadi, who can you trust?

Well, certainly not a foreign murderer or rapist whose own country won’t have him back.

Unfortunately, the Albanese government never got that memo.

NDIS Minister Bill Shorten says he has confidence the police will find a missing detainee referred to authorities yesterday, after the High Court ruled that he and others should be released from permanent detention.

It is understood one of the detainees who refused to wear an ankle bracelet after being released from immigration detention is uncontactable, with Australian Federal Police investigating the matter.

Did it occur to no one to wonder why he refused to wear an ankle bracelet?

Opposition Home Affairs spokesman James Paterson says the government’s handling of the release of 141 asylum seekers from detention following a landmark High Court ruling is a “total debacle”.

That’s putting it kindly.

“This has been a total debacle from the Albanese Government from start to finish, they weren’t ready when the High Court handed down its decision two weeks ago,” Senator Paterson told Sunrise on Tuesday morning.

“What really needs to happen now is pass new laws which can re-detain at least the highest risk criminal offenders among the cohort which includes rapists, murderers, paedophiles.”

They should have been made to stay at “asylum seeker advocates’” houses. After all, they’re just the sort of people the “refugees welcome” cretins want to flood the country with.

Coalition senator Matt Canavan is rightly holding the government’s feet to the fire.

“Keep in mind the initial government response to the decision was to say that we won’t do anything until the decisions for the High Court decision are released,” Senator Canavan told Sky News on Tuesday morning.

Which the Court so far hasn’t deigned to bother doing.

“The government’s initial plan in response to the High Court decision was to release a bunch of hardened criminals onto our streets, for three weeks without any plan on how to control them or keep the safety of Australians in check” […]

Opposition immigration spokesman Dan Tehan says there are “real concerns” over one of the people released from permanent detention, whose whereabouts are unknown […]

“The government doesn’t know where they are… and won’t provide the Australian public with any information about that person; where they are, what crimes that they might have committed or how bad those crimes were,” he told ABC.

The Australian

Hey, get the memo, bigot: it’s none of your business what kind of violent, rapey foreign troglodytes the government is setting loose in your community. You should be thanking them for the vibrant, diverse, Multicultural experience.
