Since joining the World Health Organization (WHO) as a founding member in 1946, New Zealand has been the southern-most nation in the Western Pacific, one of six WHO regions. Stretching to Japan in the north, with a regional office in the Philippines, the Western Pacific encompasses 37 nations and almost two billion (25 per cent) of the world’s population.
When founded, the WHO had an initial focus on improving nutrition and sanitation, which made a significant difference to illness and disease. These things could still have a big impact on global health, but they do not make money.
This article’s author often works in city slums and rural villages of an impoverished nation, where most of the population have no food security, no access to clean water, and no sewerage systems (even toilets). They also have limited or absent electricity for lighting at night, cooking, and home temperature control. This is known as energy poverty.
Consequently high stress, low educational attainment, malnutrition and infectious diseases are common afflictions. Life expectancy is almost 20 years younger than the life expectancy of New Zealanders who have access currently to basic amenities.
The most efficient way to improve health outcomes across the world is to address poverty and dysfunctional systems. A basic public health principle is that prosperous populations with functional services experience optimal health outcomes. This is borne out by the dramatic drop in infectious disease across Europe and the US with the provision of public health services such as sanitation and clean water. Because WHO motives have changed from health to corporate profit, the focus of global health programs is instead, on product consumption.
For the two years to January 2025, WHO documents New Zealand contributions of over US eight million dollars. This does not include any amounts of public money committed to undisclosed contracts with WHO’s partners such as, but not limited to, Pfizer and Moderna. An Official Information Act response from The Ministry of Foreign Affairs and Trade provides unclear details of exactly how much NZ taxpayers contributed to WHO and via which government agencies.

As recently as November 2024, New Zealanders were warned to prepare for “a pandemic worse than Covid-19 in our lifetimes”, by WHO Covid-19 Technical Lead, Maria Van Kerkhove. In August 2024, despite receiving a notice of liability to cease and desist three months earlier, Van Kerkhove made an unwitting concession that Covid is not a vaccine-preventable disease, calling on governments to boost Covid-19 vaccination rates due to a “new surge” amongst heavily vaccinated populations. Her focus on the ongoing sale of products using persistent surveillance, fear and restrictive measures shows that she is equally as corrupted as others in WHO leadership roles, for example Jeremy Farrar and Tedros Ghebreyesus.
Since its establishment eight decades ago, the WHO has lost its way, evolving into the global marketing arm of the pharmaceutical industry and their beneficiaries, now the largest sponsors of WHO. The WHO 2019 pandemic influenza guidelines documented that strategies such as school and business closures, border restrictions and quarantining the healthy cause more harm than good. Yet by February 2020, senior figures at WHO were recommending all of this and more.
In a similarly confusing reversal of established public health knowledge, Maria Van Kerkhove correctly stated in a press conference on 8 June 2020 that asymptomatic transmission is insignificant to disease epidemiology. The very next day she walked back her comments, resulting in a surge of face mask sales. To many this was yet another sign that WHO no longer acts in the interests of public health, but to the orders of vested powers.
Evidence for the harms of the Covid injectable products that WHO leadership continue to promote is undeniable. We have written extensively about the mechanisms of harm and why such a vast range of injury and illness is associated with these products. There are more than 3,700 peer reviewed studies citing Covid “vaccine” adverse effects. This is despite the fact that high-impact medical journals have been captured by the pharmaceutical industry through advertising, reprint sales, industry-sponsored research and ghost-written studies. Learn more at Trapped in the Spider Web: How Big Pharma Captured Our Healthcare System.
Dr Clayton Baker, an internal medicine physician and bioethicist, summarised the corruption of health systems succinctly in The Medical Masquerade: A Physician Exposes the Deceptions of Covid.
Covid revealed that the institutions that were supposed to provide counterweights to greed, corruption, and power-grabbing – the press, academia, nonprofit organizations, regulatory agencies, religious institutions, you name it – were in fact captured and complicit with the lies of those in power. We can no longer trust these institutions to be truthful, any more than we can trust Big Pharma, the central banks, or the rapacious, ultra-rich, so-called “elites” such as Bill Gates or the WEF.
To this list NZDSOS reluctantly could add the courts, having been there and done that three times now. We keep hearing on the grapevine that some judges are concerned about NZ’s democracy, and want human rights cases brought, but we have not struck gold so far.
The institutions Clayton Baker refers to – partnered with the World Health Organization and, seemingly, national governments – intend to build a global biosecurity state. Learn more at articles such as US Pumps $667 Million Into World Bank’s Pandemic Fund and The WHO: Building a Permanent Pandemic Market. Ethical clinicians and academics are working to obstruct these plans, such as the University of Leeds REPPARE Research Project, Action on World Health’s Bell Review, and the World Council for Health.
For the protection of the health of all New Zealanders, it is imperative that we exit the WHO. Our healthcare system needs to extract itself from the menacing global corporatism which threatens our way of life and the health of our entire population.
Our participation in global health does not require membership of a centralised bureaucracy such as WHO. We can build partnerships that aid and support our Western Pacific neighbours in ways that reflect New Zealand’s values and health priorities. Decentralised global health removes enormous costs of bureaucracy and politicised governance, resulting in direct assistance that really delivers effective health services to those in need.
The WHO is just one of several global structures which has revealed its ownership and malign agenda as the curtains rip back from the worst disguised bioweapon pandemic ever. Now is the time to thumb this greedy power-grabbing club in the eye before it does even more harm to humanity.
Read more about New Zealand’s growing citizen-led movement to exit the WHO at WHO Knows? We must demand the right to a say in the way our healthcare is financed and delivered.
We have the power to halt the harmful, corporatist plans of WHO if we act now
Parties on both sides of the political fence are largely ignoring this issue. With enough public support, parliament will be forced to debate the matter and act in our national interests. The citizens-initiated referendum at WHO Knows? requires 400,000 handwritten signatures by 25 November 2025, to be presented to parliament. If 10,000 people collect 40 signatures each, our goal will be reached. Your active support is imperative and urgent. Full instructions on how to volunteer are on the website.
Please read the White Paper: Does the WHO Serve the Interests of New Zealand in 2025?, which you can use as a talking point to encourage interest and signatures. Authored by NZ lawyer Kirsten Murfitt and the WHO Knows? steering committee, it is separated into the following readable chapters:
- Who Funds the WHO?
- Who is the WHO Foundation?
- Opportunity to Invest in the WHO
- Influenza Pandemic Preparedness
- Swine Flu
- Who Investigates WHO?
- Director-General of WHO
- WHO and Social Influencers
- WHO and New Zealand
- Conclusion
Once you feel informed to have discussions with people – remember that most are completely unaware of the issue, let alone the details that you will be equipped with – print out the petition form and kick-start your contribution to New Zealand’s Exit the WHO campaign!
This article was originally published by the New Zealand Doctors Speaking Out With Science.