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New Zealand Doctors Speaking Out with Science

We have been calling for action on the imminent takeover of our lives and and our choices through the pandemic strategies by the World Health Organsiation (WHO), including changes to the International Health Regulations (IHR). There has been little if any public discussion about whether New Zealanders actually want to be ruled from afar by an un-elected body when it comes to our health decisions.

In effect, those pulling the strings are trying to use a viral cold as an excuse to implement means by which our freedom and sovereignty can be severely curtailed.

Agreements are made in secret without our knowledge, or even that of our MPs, and they promise Chinese communist-style control and lockdowns of us all, under the guise of sustainability…net zero… and the greater good. Yes, good for a few very wealthy and powerful people right at the top.

Now a supporter and activist, Greg Rzesniowiecki, has set up petitions to Parliament on these issues so please support them and pass round your networks urgently.

For a deeper dive into the two avenues that the WHO and its funders are using to impose these draconian measures, see our summary here. Furthermore, it is with alarm that we read of the open letter from NZ specialists calling for a greater involvement of NZ with the WHO. Giving them the benefit of the doubt, these doctors may be completely unaware of who funds the WHO and what the changes to the IHR and the implementation of the WHO treaty mean.


As citizens, we will need to fight to save our personal and national sovereignty. Complacency will see it taken away.

WHO Pandemic Treaty

Petition of Greg Rzesniowiecki: Hold a referendum before signing the proposed WHO pandemic treaty.

Petition request

That the House of Representatives urge the Government to hold a referendum before signing the proposed World Health Organization pandemic treaty.

Petition reason

The New Zealand Government is negotiating a pandemic treaty with WHO members. In my opinion, consultation has not been adequate. In my view, any pandemic treaty should not be signed before an audit has been undertaken on the New Zealand COVID-19 response and elimination strategy, including lockdowns and mRNA vaccination. In my opinion, mRNA products are toxic and are not safe nor effective at stopping transmission of infectious diseases.

Closing date: 13 May 2023

Sign For Our Sovereignty Against the WHO Treaty Here

Proposed International Health Regulations amendments

Petition of Greg Rzesniowiecki: Hold a referendum before amending International Health Regulations.

Petition request

That the House of Representatives urge the Government to hold a referendum before adopting any amended International Health Regulations of the World Health Organization concerning the use of mRNA vaccinations in future pandemics.

Petition reason

The NZ Government is negotiating amendments to the International Health Regulations (IHR) of the WHO. In my opinion, this is occurring without public consultation, and before an audit of the NZ COVID-19 response. In my view, it is likely that the amended IHR will support the use of mRNA vaccines in future pandemics. In my opinion, mRNA products are toxic and are not safe or effective at stopping transmission of infectious disease. In my view, the public should give their consent to any changes.

Closing date: 13 May 2023
