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Who Said Police Are Happy with Giving $2.75M to the Mongrel Mob?

New Zealand’s growing gang numbers are Jacinda Ardern’s “real Kiwis”. The BFD. Photoshop by Lushington Brady.

Jacinda Ardern has made much of the support of local police in the Hawkes Bay for her personal approval of $2.75 million to a Mongrel Mob affiliated organisation run by 47 year Mob veteran Harry Tam.

She repeats the line often, especially in Parliament, that local police were in favour of the funding. It turns out that it appears to not be the case:

In a letter to the editor of the Police Association magazine, Detective sergeant Mark Moorhouse, a supervisor in the Hawke’s Bay Organised Crime Unit has put into words how he and his colleagues feel.

He said claims by politicians that Hawke’s Bay police supported the programme was “BS”.

Moorhouse was contacted by Stuff, but declined to comment.

In his letter he said his loyalty “has taken too many hits this year from bureaucrats who seem hell-bent on undermining everything we do”.

“My gang-focus staff have for the past two years fought tooth and nail to confront the violence and insidious harm the Mongrel Mob, in particular, have unleashed in our community. More than 30 gang-related shootings in the year to date, and they openly flaunt the wealth they generate from the poison they infuse our communities with,” he wrote.

“The awesome staff on OCU (Organised Crime Unit) and NOCG (National Organised Crime Group) back this up with targeting the high-end conspirators and captains of these openly defiant criminals, trying to shut them down by taking their guns, drugs and assets away so we can at least try to minimise the harm on our communities, and do what we have sworn to do under Our Business and, even more simply, what we believe is right,” Moorhouse wrote.

“We are undermined by the courts and poorly served by a justice system. Corrections is a mess and we’re not sure any more who runs the prisons.

“The only job satisfaction I have had this year is the fact that the people who work around me have seized huge amounts of firearms, drugs and assets and had an impact on these groups. While it might be a small ripple in a big pond, it is the only ray of light we have had. I am encouraged by the professionalism and tenacity of these awesome people.

“Now you want to tell us that nearly $3 million worth of our blood, sweat and tears is going to be allocated to a scheme that only allows the individuals who are responsible for causing the harm to be enrolled in it, to the detriment of more worthy causes, and then tell the country that the Hawkes’ Bay Police support it. I need to call BS on this because the bulk of us don’t support it,” Moorhouse wrote.


It makes you wonder whether a breach of privilege now exists as the Prime Minister has said many times in Parliament that the opposite is true; that Police did in fact endorse this payment to a Mongrel Mob aligned business.

No evidence has yet been produced to support Jacinda Ardern’s claims. Not one skerrick. You’d have thought that if any existed it would have been pushed out via Labour’s propaganda wing at Newshub.

This is starting to look like another pants-on-fire moment for the Prime Minister.

It can’t be too long before we see Police officers turning their backs to Ardern. She doesn’t respect them, so they shouldn’t respect her.

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