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Who Should Be the Time ‘Person of the Year’?

The world’s most spoiled brat has been given ecumenical status yet again, this time on the cover of Time magazine, as ‘Person of the Year’. Indeed, Time is so woke these days that choosing a real hero would have been an anathema to their bleeding liberal hearts. The sad thing is that I used to love Time magazine, but I gave up on it about a decade ago. I see things have not improved since then.

Of course, I much prefer this image of Greta, and the response it provoked. Never forget that she is being manipulated by the powers that be to control the masses, like a modern-day Joan of Arc, but without the courage, intelligence or morality.

Yes, Greta can manipulate her message just like anyone else. Let us not be surprised.

But who should have been nominated as Time’s ‘Person of the Year’? Who has really made a difference this year? Who has made the world a better place in 2019?

Here are a few ideas of my own, and Greta cannot hold a candle to any of them.

How about Boyan Slat?

Boyan Slat

At age 19, entrepreneur Boyan Slat founded The Ocean Cleanup, a not-for-profit entity that aims to rid the oceans of harmful plastic. The organisation is working on a device to clean the Great Pacific Garbage Patch, a trash-filled vortex that’s more than twice the size of Texas. By acting like a giant arm that moves with the ocean’s current, the device traps plastic debris until a vessel can come tow it away.

Well, he could really make a difference to the world… and he wasn’t even shortlisted.

Well then, how about this dude?

President Trump shows exactly how much he cares about the U.N.’s opinion.

As of October 2019, unemployment rates in the USA were the lowest in 50 years. The economy is booming, and unemployment amongst black and Hispanic workers is the lowest ever. By reviving some industries and expanding others, Trump has improved the lives of millions of Americans, particularly poorer ones. He has really made a difference to his country, and he was actually shortlisted but lost out to a snotty-nosed brat who has improved no one’s life, except her own.

Or what about Boris?

British PM Boris Johnson

Boris Johnson has just proved himself to be a champion of democracy. When just about everyone else was telling voters that they were stupid and didn’t know what they were voting for, Boris respected their will, refusing to treat voters like idiots. He has restored common sense and reason to British politics and has done it at enormous personal cost, as the British election was almost as brutal and ugly as the US election in 2016. He has also promised to deliver Brexit and to help heal the terrible divisions that the whole debacle has created in Britain. Boris has brought pride back to the United Kingdom. Britannia may very well rule the waves once again very soon.

But here is my pick. Here is who should have been named as Time’s ‘Person(s) of the Year’.

The Hong Kong Protesters

Hong Kong’s protests started in June against plans to allow extradition of Hong Kong citizens to mainland China.

Opponents said this risked exposing people from Hong Kong to unfair trials and violent treatment. They also argued the bill would give China greater influence over Hong Kong and could be used to target activists and journalists.

Hundreds of thousands of people took to the streets. After weeks of protests, the bill was suspended and eventually withdrawn altogether.

The protesters were not finished, however.

In November, a standoff between police and students on the campus of Hong Kong’s Polytechnic University became another defining moment. Then, later that month, the territory held local council elections that were seen as a barometer of public opinion.

The vote saw a landslide victory for the pro-democracy movement, with 17 of the 18 councils now controlled by pro-democracy councillors.

The ringleaders of the Hong Kong protesters were smart, principled and very brave. They took enormous risks to stand up for their rights, and essentially, they seem to have won – for now anyway. With the huge shadow of communist China breathing down on them, they took on the dragon. Very few people in the world have been so very, very brave.

This is another victory for democracy of course, under threat in many parts of the world. The young protesters in Hong Kong have the admiration and support of millions of people around the globe. Many would have applauded if Time had had the guts to name them as their ‘Person of the Year’.

But no. A spoiled, snotty-nosed, uneducated teenager won the award instead because she was far more ‘woke’ than any of the others.

What else would you expect from Time?

Still, there are two good things to come out of this. First, the Hong Kong protesters deserve better than to appear on the cover of a magazine that has previously given the award to Joseph Stalin, Adolf Hitler…. and Mao Tse Tung. Greta is in good company.

Secondly… Jacinda didn’t win. Yes. She was shortlisted. Really.

Maybe there is a God after all.

And may God bless Trump, Boris and the Hong Kong protesters. You really have made the world a better place in 2019.


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