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WHO U-Turn on COVID Vaccine for Children

refuse vax vaccine no stop Covid health

Peter Sweden

PeterSweden is a freedom loving journalist giving insightful commentary on the important issues of today. In the FreedomCast we interview interesting guests to talk about important topics that the mainstream media is refusing to cover

It is quite simple. We don’t know what the long-term effects of the mRNA shots are. Yet for years now they have pushed this onto children, despite the fact that children more or less have a 100% survival rate from covid.

So why did we vaccinate children when they don’t die from covid? That is a really good question.

Now, after many children have already taken the shots, the World Health Organization has suddenly come out with new guidance on the covid shots.

Children aged 6 months to 17 years are categorized as ”low priority group”, meaning that essentially they are saying children don’t need to get the covid shots.

”The public health impact of vaccinating healthy children and adolescents is comparatively much lower than the established benefits of traditional essential vaccines for children ”


They literally admit that giving the shots to children has a very low benefit compared with traditional vaccines. I wonder why they come to this conclusion. Could it be because they know the very high risk of young people getting myocarditis from the mRNA shots?

It turns out that the myocarditis side effects from the booster shots can be up to 1 in 5000 for males aged 18-29. That is really bad. This means that for young people, the risk of getting myocarditis from taking the shots is way, way higher than the risk of dying from covid. In other words, young people should NOT take the shots.

And what do we see? Well, we see a massive increase in excess deaths and in particular people dying from heart problems – This all happened after the rollout of the mRNA shots. You can read my in-depth article where I investigate here:

The Freedom Corner with PeterSweden

Funeral homes sounding the alarm – Massive increase in deaths

This is not good at all, Norwegian funeral homes are now warning about a massive increase in the number of dead people that they are seeing. In fact, things are so bad that the largest funeral home in the city of Trondheim has been forced to open up a crisis cold room in a garage to be able to store all the dead people, something that is reserved only for emergency situations, such as a massive disaster or accident…

I recently did an interview with Dr. Peter McCullough on my new podcast The FreedomCast. He talks about how the mRNA shots are causing myocarditis and what people should do to avoid being exposed to things like spike shedding.

It is a very important talk and I highly encourage you to listen to it (and spread the word so people can find my new podcast). Dr. Peter McCullough strongly advises people to not take any more of the shots.

Listen to the podcast on Substack here:

The Freedom Corner with PeterSweden

Heart doctor REVEALS dangers of mRNA shots | w/ Dr. Peter McCullough The FreedomCast Ep. 5

It’s not all good news from the WHO of course. They still recommend pregnant women to get vaccinated which is just absolutely insane, especially when we know the shots cause menstrual problems in women. Look at this chart showing a whopping 4070% increase in VAERS miscarriage reports after the mRNA shots was forced upon the population.

But wait, there is more!

Australia just did something. They quietly dropped the approval for the Astra Zeneca covid vaccine. Weird how there’s nothing about that in the news…

If you have been a reader of my Substack, you will know that Norway many months ago actually came out and did NOT give a recommendation for people aged under 65 to get the shots, as they said the risks could outweigh the benefits. Yes, really.

Seems like governments worldwide now are slowly backtracking from the vaccines, yet the mainstream media is more or less ignoring it completely.

Which is why I am here to give you this information. So please share this article with all your friends.


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