On December 11, 2020, I wrote an article on another platform, titled,
The Covid-19 Vaccine: Healthy Choice Or Societal Control
I made the point––which turned out to be true––that rushing out a vaccine would lead to unintended consequences. This is what I stated at the time.
“At the time of this writing, The U.K. has started rolling out the Covid-19 Vaccine. There are already a few cases of allergic reactions and four cases of Bells Palsy––facial nerve paralysis which in some people can be permanent. In England, the Medicines and Healthcare products Regulatory Agency (MHRA) states, “People who have a history of a significant reaction to medicines, foods, or vaccines should avoid taking the coronavirus vaccine”.
People need to understand that this is the first rollout in history of an mRNA vaccine. We are in uncharted territory, especially with the rush of the rollout. The genetic material introduced into the body triggers the production of the protein part of the Coronavirus. The result is to induce an immune reaction; however, if the body overreacts, you could have the development of an autoimmune condition.”
Based on my experience seeing the effects of the MMR vaccines on infants, I knew from the start that we were heading down a dangerous path. It’s one thing if you’re 65 to decide if you want to inject yourself with a product. However, with full disclosure, I am well beyond 65, and I still wouldn’t touch the shots.
Like many, I did lose friends; but were they really my friends? We developed a good relationship with one particular couple in 2020. They literally hurled abuse at me when I pointed out the science about the ‘vaccines’. They didn’t want to know about it. We were ‘granny killers’.
We have others who are friends; who chose to get the jabs, but they respect our right as free individuals to do as we like. I heard about a woman at a local golf club who refused to take the Covid shots and was vehemently attacked by other club members. She quit her membership because she could no longer tolerate the hostility toward her.
Even now, with the truth everywhere, some people are totally blinded to the medical establishment’s ultimatums. However, we need to draw the line somewhere.
When someone is considering injecting children, that is a different story. Where are the adults in the room? We’ve known for some time that there is a low death risk for the young from Covid. It is much less so than for influenza. After almost two years of these ineffective ‘vaccines’, we also know that many people have been suffering adverse events. These are not rare. Groups have formed on many social media sites of people suffering. One of the most notable effects is the heart and cardiovascular pathologies.
Here are the latest figures for Australia in those 5 to 17:
These figures do not include those young adults 18 to 40 who are in a very high-risk group for cardiac events.
In the U.S., the latest figures show 160 deaths in children 6 months to 12 years.
Here again, this doesn’t include the 18 to 40 age group.
In the Journal Nature, a study looked at emergency room call-outs for cardiac events in Israel.
CA – Cardiac Arrest ACS – Acute Coronary Syndrome
Increased emergency cardiovascular events among under-40 population in Israel during vaccine rollout and third COVID-19 wave
“The main finding of this study concerns with increases of over 25% in both the number of CA calls and ACS calls of people in the 16–39 age group during the COVID-19 vaccination rollout in Israel (January–May, 2021), compared with the same period of time in prior years (2019 and 2020). Moreover, there is a robust and statistically significant association between the weekly CA and ACS call counts, and the rates of 1st and 2nd vaccine doses administered to this age group. At the same time there is no observed statistically significant association between COVID-19 infection rates and the CA and ACS call counts.”
So they are stating that Covid is not associated with cardiac events more than usual, but there is a significant correlation with the ‘vaccine’ rollout.
Further evidence comes from the Surgeon General of the state of Florida, Joseph Ladapo
The state health department did an in-depth analysis, and this is what they stated:
“This analysis found that there is an 84% increase in the relative incidence of cardiac-related death among males 18-39 years old within 28 days following mRNA vaccination.”
Dr Ladapo is a breath of fresh air. He obviously has no allegiance to Big Pharma; his main concern is Floridians’ health. Too bad, many other health bureaucrats blindly follow the Big Pharma narrative, which we now know is fraudulent.
Finally, Dr Peter McCullough, a cardiac expert, leaves no doubt that these so-called vaccines are damaging to the heart. Who knows how many subclinical cases of myocarditis are out there?
These damaging injections should never, ever be recommended for young people.
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So it gets back to my question: Who will be accountable? If an engineer knowingly signs off on building plans with a design flaw and the building collapses, killing dozens, what would be the result? The engineer would probably be convicted of involuntary manslaughter, at the very least.
So Pfizer and all the health agencies knew that the Covid-19 ‘vaccines’ were not 95% effective as claimed. They also knew that their product didn’t stop transmission and that there were severe adverse effects resulting in deaths, yet, they kept promoting the shots and even coerced people into receiving them. I would say that violates every international norm established for decades. The punishment must fit the crime, not out of retribution, but because it’s a crime against humanity. Unless the punishment fits the crime, there will be no deterrence from this happening again.