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Who Will Rip Away The Security Blankets?

Jacinda under the covers. Photoshopped image credit Luke. The BFD.
Linus Security Blanket

The Prime Minister’s fear-mongering did this. She created a nation of terrified idiots incapable of rational thought and that is why she won’t remove the Covid edicts. Her rules and regulations are their security blankets.

Eventually, someone has to rip off the plaster to see if the wound has healed and take the security blanket off those hiding under the bed, thumb-sucking and curled up in fear when the threat has all but disappeared. True kindness is encouraging them to come out and resume living.

But the Prime Minister won’t do that because it will make her even more hated and despised and no other MP in the House has the gumption either, even when it’s the right thing to do.

Face masks are de rigeur for the terrified, even around their homes, despite Omicron spreading like wildfire among the vaccinated, boosted and masked. None of these measures is working but, even worse, publicly complying demonstrates allegiance to the Covid Queen’s madness.

Government propaganda turned the servile into mad hatters. The arrival of Omicron saw them clinging to misinformation concocted to “keep us safe”. Devotees replicate Covid-19 updates on their social media pages that are less about health and more about manipulation and bragging rights. If they only realised that perpetuating government propaganda is rewarded, they would demand a share of the next media handout.

Under Omicron, social distancing means working from home, shopping online and thinking twice about leaving your home for any reason at all. If and when these terrified creatures venture outside they will be shocked to see how much the cost of fuel went up in their absence, although it won’t bother them as the terrified are grateful just to be alive.

What sort of life has the Ardern government inflicted on trusting citizens living in fear of leaving their homes because Omicron is waiting outside their doors ready to pounce?

The servile cannot imagine a life without fear.

They believed Ardern when she said to take the vaccine so they wouldn’t catch Covid. That proved wrong, so the rhetoric changed to ‘vaccination will stop you from getting really sick and becoming hospitalised’. That’s not true either, but don’t worry Prime Minister, your grateful slaves will still thank you for keeping them alive even if it isn’t true.

Testing stations are overwhelmed and that’s her doing as well. She never bothered to correct the grossly overstated prediction of 80,000 Covid deaths despite modelling all over the world being found to be completely wrong.

In the video above, Dr. John Campbell reviews recent data released by the U.K. government in response to a Freedom of Information Act (FOIA) request.

They show that the number of deaths during 2020 in England and Wales, where COVID-19 was the sole cause of death, was 9,400. Of those, 7,851 were aged 65 and older. The median age of death was 81.5 years.

During the first quarter of 2021, there were 6,483 deaths where COVID-19 was the sole cause of death, again with the vast majority, 4,923, occurring in seniors over 65.

A total of 346 died from COVID-19 alone during the second quarter of 2021, and in the third quarter, the COVID death toll was 1,142. Again, these are people with no other underlying conditions that might have caused their death.

The Epoch Times

Dr John Campbell calculated the number of Covid deaths where Covid was the single contributing factor, excluding deaths from people with underlying medical conditions and who were victims of car accidents or shootings. He needed to do this because Government figures include any death within 30 days of a positive Covid test regardless of what actually killed them.

Campbell was flabbergasted to discover the extent of the overstatement of Covid deaths in England and Wales. Notably, his analysis was only possible when the data became available through an official information request, otherwise the public would be none the wiser about the extent of overstated Covid deaths.

Campbell went a step further and looked at data provided by Professor Karol Sikora, University of Buckingham (and former head of cancer programme at WHO) who estimated 50,000 excess deaths from cancer over the past 18 months due to Covid restrictions causing a failure to report early, difficulty getting to see a GP, fear of hospital admission, missed chemotherapy and missed radiotherapy. In the UK, 6 million are still waiting for NHS treatment. (This information is provided by Campbell in his notes attached to the video).

Compare the government’s 127,704 Covid deaths in England and Wales to Campbell’s actual 9,400 deaths and then compare that number against the 50,000 estimated excess deaths from cancer due to medical neglect over the same period. It’s a different picture altogether.

Covid didn’t kill nearly as many people in England and Wales as the government Covid mandates did.

Next time you hear the lame excuse that any awful outcome is ’due to Covid’ and ’because of Covid’ ask yourself if this is a true statement or whether the truth is that the unwanted outcome is due to the Labour Government’s Covid mandates, which are the security blankets of the terrified.

It is not much of a stretch to assume Covid deaths are also overstated here and that we have considerably more excess deaths from missed medical attention resulting from the Government’s Covid mandates than deaths where Covid was the single contributing factor.

If people knew that reported Covid deaths in NZ are grossly overstated then the terrified and witless currently afraid to leave their homes might be enticed to throw out their security blanket of rules and regulations and go outside for a walk in the sunshine.

Unfortunately, it’s not going to happen. The Prime Minister will censor information that blows the lid off her “kindness” and reveals the cold-hearted, manipulative and uncaring person that the anti-mandate, pro-freedom demonstrators in Wellington know all too well.


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