If we’re to believe the legacy media, Germany is just weeks away from resurrecting the ghost of Hitler and sending the Brownshirts goose-stepping down the Unter den Linden again. Better stock up on fire extinguishers at the Reichstag.
Except, of course, it’s all horsescheiße. Not that that matters to the legacy media. As far as they’re concerned, the literal Hitlers are sieg heiling from Washington and Warsaw to Buenos Aires. It’s all Hitler, all the time, in the empty, clanging skulls of the media.
The cause of their latest outbreak of Imaginary Nazi-derangement is the astonishing success of the Alternative für Deutschland (AfD) Party – oops, ‘far-right’ – in the lead up to the national elections.
The Nazis [are] poised to return to power in Germany in about a month or so’s time now, before immediately re-embarking upon a comprehensive program of reinvading Poland and France, firing V-2s at London, and killing all the Jews.
That’s if Hamas and the Greens leave them any. But why be concerned about the very real, vocal and brutally violent threat to Jews, when you can hide in the corner, hugging your knees and rocking, while babbling that Hitler’s hiding under your mattress?
Germany has national elections in February and, according to the favorite to become the next Chancellor, Friedrich Merz, leader of the “center right” (re: just a tiny little bit less left than the actual left are) Christian Democratic Union (CDU), there is a clear and present danger it might be won by the Nazi Party – even though the Nazi Party no longer exist in Germany at all, being a specifically illegal political organization there. Every time my own country of Great Britain goes to the polls, I feel similar apprehension of a potential looming Whig victory.
Given that the Nazis haven’t existed for some 80 years, what are these loons shrieking about?
By “Nazis,” Merz actually means the reputedly “far-right” (re: sane and normal) Alternative für Deutschland (AfD) Party, which is currently occupying second position in the polls, on account of its calls for mass “remigration” of all the Africans and Muslims who have poured into the country ever since Angela Merkel’s socially disastrous Willkommenskultur policies of 10 years ago. Far from using the military to extend Germany’s borders, like the real Nazis did, the AfD just wants to defend the nation’s territory from outside invaders instead.
Friedrich Merz’s worry is that such policies actually make good electoral sense – so much so, he is hastily copying them in watered-down, homeopathic fashion.
But, if such AfD Lite measures fail, then, come the next election-but-one in 2033, Merz fears the “fascists” might well ride high upon a tide of severe public dissatisfaction and celebrate the centenary of Adolf Hitler taking power by doing so themselves. “Once in ’33 is quite enough for Germany,” is Merz’s rather strange new slogan.
Germans, on the other hand, are starting to think that one more rape and/or stabbing in 2025 is far too many for a Germany that’s enjoyed quite enough ‘cultural enrichment’, courtesy of ‘Mutti Merkel’s’ dusky hordes of invaders.
Brutal rape and allahu akbar murder have become so commonplace in Germany, as in much of the rest of Europe, that it hardly makes the news any more. But some cases are so heinous that even the legacy media deign to take notice – before they segue seamlessly back to flapping their hands about an ‘Islamophobic backlash’.
The present ruling left-liberal Chancellor, Olaf Scholz, has begun complaining about “misguided tolerance” being applied toward violent non-white immigrants over the past decade, following the latest stabbing incident in the nation. This one occurred in the Bavarian town of Aschaffenberg, where a failed Afghan asylum seeker killed a toddler (himself of Moroccan descent, fatefully enough) and an adult white male after targeting a kindergarten outing in a park.
This supposed “unprecedented outrage” (unprecedented apart from all the others – there was a previous Islamist plot to distribute poisoned ice cream to German toddlers before blowing the van up outside a kindergarten) was meant to have been the final straw for Scholz, who would now finally get serious about dealing with the Muslims…the very same Muslims that people like him had spent their entire political lives busily trying to import in the name of “love.”
The outrage from leftists like Scholz, though, is entirely fake. If it wasn’t an election year, he’d be busily locking up anyone who dared even talk about.
In June last year, for instance, a 20-year-old German woman, Maja R, was given a harsher sentence than a Muslim immigrant who had helped gang-rape an underage girl in a park after Maja had contacted him online to call him a “disgusting freak” and a “disgraceful rapist pig,” something German judges deemed a form of defamation.
Defamation how? Defamation means you have to say something false about a person, not something true! He had raped someone, he was found guilty of doing so, in a literal court of law – and was then rapidly let off without any jail time whatsoever, on account of him being underage, just like his victim. His adult insulter, Maja R, meanwhile, got a weekend in jail.
Not content with that, the totally not-fascist leftists began rounding up anyone who even talked about that.
Once news of this blatant example of two-tier justice got out, it drew much public criticism. German legal authorities then sprang immediately into action—by beginning investigations into around 140 individuals who, by making accurately disparaging comments about the judgment online, had supposedly engaged in “a targeted attack on the rule of law.” In today’s Germany, to correctly observe what the “anti-fascist” State is systematically doing to its own people (i.e., raping and killing them by proxy) is itself now tacitly borderline illegal. I thought leaders like Scholz and Merz disapproved of old Nazi-era bodies like the Gestapo?
Not when they’re their Gestapo.