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Who’s Got the Biggest Carbon Footprint?

The guy with the golf ball that big, says your golf ball is the real problem. The BFD. Photoshop by Lushington Brady.

It’s one thing to realise that the loudest climate-botherers are the world’s biggest hypocrites — quite another to see, in stark figures, just how monstrous their hypocrisy really is.

Sure, flying fleets of private jets to “climate summits”, and owning vast mansions, is a bad look. But the hard numbers of the gap between the Climate Cult’s rhetoric and their personal reality is astonishing — and damning.

Billionaires like Mike Cannon-Brookes and Andrew Forrest bang on endlessly about “de-carbonising”. Cannon-Brookes is ploughing huge amounts into “de-carbonising” we plebs, trying to buy up Australia’s few remaining coal-fired power stations in order to shut them down.

When it comes to de-carbonising himself, though…

Image: The Australian.
Atlassian founders Mike Cannon-Brookes and Scott Farquhar and mining magnate Andrew Forrest top the list of Australians on a global ranking of billionaires with the biggest carbon footprint.

To put it into perspective, Cannon-Brookes’ carbon footprint is 307,000 times the average Australian’s share per capita. Using a carbon footprint calculator, Cannon-Brookes outdoes my carbon footprint by nearly 700,000 times. If my carbon footprint was a golf ball, Climate Mike’s carbon footprint would be a golf ball four metres wide.

The guy with the golf ball that big, says your golf ball is the real problem. The BFD. Photoshop by Lushington Brady.

Cannon-Brookes’ carbon footprint is so gargantuan that it’s right up there with Bill Gates, and even more than Warren Buffet’s.

It’s more than Papua New Guinea’s entire carbon emissions. More than Puerto Rico and Malta, combined.

And that’s likely an underestimate.

If emissions from billionaire lifestyles including private jets, multiple mansions and yachts were included, they would be higher still.

But, but… what about the corporations?

The Oxfam analysis, which studied reported scope one and scope two emissions, found billionaires had an average of 14 per cent of their investments in polluting industries, such as fossil fuels, and materials like cement.

This is twice the average for investments in the Standard and Poor 500 group of corporates.

The Australian

On a smaller scale, this is in line with research which has repeatedly found that the most ostentatiously “green” people tend to have the largest environmental footprints.

These are the people telling you to cut your carbon emissions — and driving your electricity bills through the stratosphere in the name of “net zero”.

Ever get the feeling you’ve been cheated?

John Lydon.
