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Photo by Alexandra_Koch. The BFD.

Sir Bob Jones

Stuff, always good for a laugh, report that in three decades of owning a travel agency, a Wellington woman Petra Otte has dealt with “financial crises, terrorist attacks, volcano eruptions and to top it all off, the Covid 19 pandemic”.

This is a huge shift reflecting just how much the political worm is turning.

Hitherto Stuff has claimed it was Jacinda who achieved all these feats, telling the volcano to knock it off and so on.

If that’s not a big enough shock Stuff has twice referred to New Zealand instead of the fictional alternative. A month ago that was a sacking offence.

Be that as it may, surely the public is entitled to know was it Jacinda or Petra who achieved these marvels before we erect statues to the wrong woman. One of them is clearly an imposter.

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