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‘They may silence our speech, but…mmfff…mmfff…!’ The BFD. Photoshop by Lushington Brady.

Harry Palmer

I’ve often read the phrase ‘that’s what they want us to do’ written by commenters in response to suggestions that politicians have gone too far and won’t listen and so are provoking a possible civil war. That phrase suggests that if ‘the authorities’ are looking for a fight, then we, the voters, should resist the temptation to engage.

In 2020, The Daily Wire quoted NZ Prime Minister Jacinda Ardern as saying, “We will continue to be your single source of truth,” and “Unless you hear it from us, it is not the truth,” while at the same time accusing those who dispute government edicts of ‘spreading disinformation’. I think I know why she could be so confident in making such Orwellian-sounding statements.

I can see that sometimes, for good reason, governments might need – especially in times of war – to keep their cards close to their chests. And who wants to be continually arguing about minor points of government policy as they are being developed? But it’s now gone far beyond: it’s turned into ‘tell ’em nowt unless we have to’. As former Newsweek journo Arnaud de Borchgrave wrote in his 1980 novel The Spike, the bought and paid for news editors and their political masters like to decide if a piece of written work will reveal more than the public should know and, if it is considered too revealing, it will be “spiked” (referring to a vertical stake of wire on a wooden base on desks in films like The Front Page). If, on the other hand, it is deemed fit to publish, it may need to be subtly ‘massaged’ and ‘improved’ in order to reflect the editorial or government line of the publication.

When required, governments employ a wide range of so called ‘experts’, including ‘academic’ statisticians who excel at bluffing others, desk jockey ‘spin doctors’ and ‘nudging’ psychologists and other persons of pompous disposition. These people likely don’t know any more than you, me or any sensible person about how best to approach, for example, a disease outbreak. They are, however, certainly adept at lying convincingly and emphasising just how very important they are.

Governments both here and overseas have, with taxpayers’ money, ‘bought’ huge swaths of advertising space in the mainstream media, thus gaining loyalty and favourable editorial backing as well as propaganda to speak for them, instead of fronting their voters.

As evidence shows, particularly from America, governments can exert huge influence over social media like Facebook and Twitter; the British Government now even has former deputy prime minister Nick Clegg as an ‘inside man’ working for Facebook.

And who knows what agencies like the CIA, FBI, the British Army’s 77th Brigade and NZ’s SIS etc. are up to, supporting government propaganda? With operatives hunched over computer screens day and night, monitoring, contributing and feeding the government angle to control the narrative on social media and writing phrases like the one in my opening paragraph: ‘That’s what they want us to do.’

Propaganda has come a very long way from the days of the Second World War when Lord Haw-Haw and Tokyo Rose ruled the airwaves and aircraft dropped leaflets written in the local language on the enemy. They now concentrate on ‘re-educating’ their own populations.

But it doesn’t stop there. The Western governments of the European Union, the USA, Great Britain, NZ, Australia and Canada, etc, cannot resist allowing, nay encouraging, the ‘civil’ services like the teaching profession and judiciary, to force ridiculous ‘beliefs’ on their citizenry. Beliefs like those that say a man can become a woman and vice versa.

Refusal to accept these beliefs risks being dragged through the courts and punished; often with loss of one’s job as well. They must laugh at how easy it is to make fools of us with this stuff, knowing that we can do little about it.

Having described what the ruling classes have lined up against we peasants who exhibit ‘wrongthink’, we who are still required to pay our oppressors’ salaries and perks and are expected to respectfully tug forelocks before ‘politicians’ who betray our trust; what can we do when those appointed to run the country go rogue?

First: I must say that it most certainly is not my intention to promote violence.

But it can be interesting and instructive to review history to assess how the situation currently and collectively developing in Western countries might further proceed.

Cook and Greenaway’s song “Melting Pot” was released by Blue Mink in 1969. It apparently did very well in NZ. The chorus goes:

What we need is a great big melting pot, Big enough to take the world and all it’s got, Keep it stirring for a hundred years or more, And turn out coffee-coloured people by the score.

The sentiment expressed in this chorus is what our leaders are want us to believe is their ambition: For all of us to not only embrace all the various races of the world, but also the newer (since the song’s release in 1969) ‘communities’ of transgenders, pederasts and multiple other perversions as well. All in order to display ‘compassion’, so citizens will, in theory, have little ground for complaint as their culture is destroyed.

I would suggest that what is currently being promoted by Western governments parallels events recorded in the Old Testament in Israel and Judah a couple of hundred years BC. In brief, Antiochus the Grecian King required the Jews to become like Greeks: to give up their God of the Bible and worship Greek gods. Many Jews complied, having already decided that the Greek way of life was quite attractive. However, after being offered all sorts of riches to convert, Mattathias of Maccabee declined and killed a prominent fellow Jew he deemed a traitor to Judaism. Mattathias fled into the hills after the murder, along with family and followers. This was the start of a long guerilla war.

So perhaps this is one way to stymie the intentions of the elites. Then again, given the way the major Christian churches and businesses, from banks to big box retailers, are falling over themselves to get in line with government thinking and formulate their ‘diversity and equality’ policies to be the ‘winning side’, maybe not.

It would take great courage to raise a rebellion and would be almost impossible when considering how much access the powers-that-be have to the means of communication between individuals. At their fingertips they have surveillance techniques and methods of control over individuals and populations that their predecessors could never have dreamt of. This gives them the supreme confidence they display in pursuit of their goal of dominance over the Western world. In the meantime, the stigmatising of ‘white men’ and the taking of their guns – figuratively speaking, castrating those they suspect of possibly initiating an uprising – must be considered a good precautionary measure.

After all, the grabbing of power over so many countries and kingdoms will make Genghis Khan and Alexander the Great look like mere pussycats in comparison.

A full-on confrontation of the disarmed citizenry with their government – a civil war that commenters want to avoid – would, unless a large proportion of the police and military jump ship, probably be out of the question, as most realise. As Joe Biden has said, ‘you will need F15s to take us, the government, on.’

Who knows where it’s all going to end? If there’s no push-back, people are going to be prodded by the tridents of little helpers into the worship of the false god Herr Klaus Schwab, his anointed successor and their locally based acolytes, and, as that deity has predicted, they will own nothing and be happy in his Brave New World.

I won’t be a part of it I’m very glad to say. As an old codger I’ll probably be dead, or because I’ll refuse to comply, I’ll be ‘compassionately’ offed or refused essential medical treatments, because ‘the proposed remedial treatment is too expensive for an old man with no relatives. Put him on a morphine pump and wind it up to the max to set him on his way. Make it quick, as we need his bed and the undertaker is due in a couple of hours.’

If it’s not quite here yet, you know, in your heart, that it’s well on the way. It’s all on the way.
