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Why a Gun Register and Background Checks Won’t Work

guns The BFD

The left claim that the science is settled when it comes to climate change. Well, a case can be made that the research on guns is pretty much settled too, which is why a gun register and background checks won’t work for Ardern’s government.

The changes to the Arms Act proposed by the government are essentially toughening up vetting: in other words, background checks. Background checks don’t work. The problem overseas lies in enforcement, which is the same problem that we already have here in New Zealand.

Basically, the police are really hopeless at enforcement.

The research clearly shows that our existing system for licensing is actually best practice, and shouldn’t be messed with.

“One possible explanation for why gun licensing works better than background checks: It’s a more straightforward system.
“It’s far easier as a seller to say, ’Okay, I need to see your permit,’” Crifasi suggested. “And there’s accountability. If my gun is recovered in the hands of someone else, and I’m in a state with licensing, and that person doesn’t have a license, it’s easier to hold me accountable. I can’t say, ‘Oh, sure, I asked for a license,’ because they don’t have a license.“
