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Why Are Just 7% Of Pilots Women?

Sir Bob Jones

The above, a heading on a lengthy Stuff article filled with ridiculous gender stereotype assertions quoting some of our virtually aircraft-less air force personnel and diverse aviation figures.

There’s another explanation which wasn’t considered, namely that being a commercial pilot is arguably the world’s most boring job. Apart from taking off and landing, both elementary exercises, the role of a commercial pilot is merely to sit zombie-like and ostensibly monitor the situation in case of the rare event that something goes wrong. Driving a bus through a city is an immensely more demanding task.

Some people, including women enjoy flying small prop planes as a hobby. So be it; each to their own, but again, the fact that women show little interest in commercial aviation is immensely to their credit.

That said, here’s another career peculiarity of women. While they’re big in residential property agency work, they’re inexplicably absent from commercial property agency activity.

Last year I accompanied my company’s Scottish office management to look at the booming Dublin market. We were hosted by the Jones Lang directors and their boss, a 40ish woman. I told her she was a freak. She pondered this and said it had never occurred to her but after some thought agreed she couldn’t think of a single woman, herself excepted, in that worldwide international organisation working as a sales agent.

In Wellington in the 1990s the most dominant commercial agent was Rosemary Bradford who had the Colliers franchise. She sold out around 2006 having been a commercial property agent since leaving university in the early 1970s. Why women are not interested in this field remains a mystery.

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