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Why Can’t the Question Be Asked?

water bubbles in blue water
Photo by J K. The BFD.

New Zealand Doctors Speaking Out With Science

It has become an ‘extreme view’ to question whether some of the ‘water-related’ deaths (many were not called ‘drownings’) that have occurred in the past two years might have been medical events occurring in the water. Medical events such as fatal arrhythmia from myocarditis, pulmonary embolism, stroke, and heart attack are all known to be side effects of covid vaccination.

We applaud Darren Gilchrist of ACT for wondering about all these people.  A number of the deaths occurred at calm East Coast beaches.

Image Credit: NZDSOS

Why does Darren Gilchrist now ‘totally disavow’ his comment? Is he no longer interested in these people?  Has he seen post-mortem and coronial evidence that they did not suffer a medical event in the water?

Why does David Seymour think such questions can’t be asked?

Our view is that Darren Gilchrist should continue to ask such questions and that David Seymour should applaud his candidates for asking the questions the citizens of New Zealand want to know the answers to.

Click on each of the below headlines to read the related article.

Image Credit: NZDSOS
Image Credit: NZDSOS
Image Credit: NZDSOS
Image Credit: NZDSOS
Image Credit: NZDSOS
Image Credit: NZSOS
Image Credit: NZDSOS
Image Credit: NZDSOS

Are These Really Extreme Views?

Holocaust survivor and human rights activist Vera Sharav’s documentary series Never Again is Now Global suggests there are very clear historic parallels between the pandemic restrictions and events of 1930s-1940s Europe.
