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Why ‘Consent’ to Use Is Unlawful in This Case

Photo by Hagen Hopkins/Getty Images

Doctors Speaking Out with Science

In the United States as of 18 April 2023, the monovalent Pfizer vaccine is no longer authorised for use though monovalent vaccines ‘remain authorised for export under certain conditions’.

The current bivalent vaccine, against previous Original and Omicron BA.4/BA.5 strains, is to be used for all doses administered to individuals 6 months of age and older.

This is regardless of whether it is being used as a primary course or as a first or second booster in the US. There is a confusing array of time frames depending on age, immune status and number of previous doses – three doses over eleven weeks; or perhaps eight weeks, two months or four months following a previous dose.

This Omicron booster was tested on eight mice before being authorised for use in human beings.

Will New Zealand follow suit and ditch the monovalent vaccines or is there still a stash to be used up – vaccines that taxpayers have paid vast amounts for? Despite their cost, however, the vaccines are being shown to be neither safe nor effective as demonstrated by a fourth wave of infections in our highly vaccinated population, along with overflowing hospitals and record excess mortality.

The current dominant strain in New Zealand is XBB while the bivalent booster mRNA codes for Omicron B.A.4/5.

Declining vaccine uptake according to the Ministry of Health website earlier this month seems to suggest the marketing isn’t working.  Fewer and fewer people are interested in repeat business.

Whichever 4th and 5th shot people end up getting, they are not lawful as they did not go through Medsafe approval under the Medicines Act and the two consecutive Directors-General of Health did not receive a clear positive risk-benefit assessment from the Ministry of Health approvals committee before also satisfying themselves that the benefits strongly outweigh the risks.

Thus the ‘consent’ to use is unlawful.

Bivalent World Council for Health Statement Sep 22


World Class Tosh

World Class Tosh

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