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Former Launceston mayor Danny Gibson. The BFD. Photoshop by Lushington Brady.

The 1996 documentary Rats in the Ranks showed that local government politics can be as vicious and brutal as anything played out in Washington, Canberra or Wellington. Here in Tasmania, we’re seeing the current culture war blitz de jeur being played out every bit as hard as anywhere else. Transgenderism, drag queens, women’s rights and whispered allegations are coming together in a perfect storm of accusations, rumours and gossip, which have claimed the scalps of the local newspaper editor and, now, the mayor.

As BFD readers may recall, I reported on a Drag Queen Story Hour event at Launceston library, and its attendant protest and counter-protest. But, right across Civic Square in Launceston Town Hall, and a few blocks away at the local aquatic centre, murkier doings were afoot. A letter published in the local newspaper, The Examiner, claimed that a confrontation had occurred at the aquatic centre over a transgender male using the women and girls’ change rooms.

The letter, a third-hand account, could not be substantiated, and the council denied it had occurred. The editor of the Examiner was sacked after a staff protest. Yet, rumours that there had indeed been an incident at the aquatic centre involving a man in the women’s facilities continued.

The matter was raised again at a Council open session last week, when local resident Jess Hoyle, of activist group LGB Tasmania, asked the councillors:

“Were you aware on 3rd march 2023, a man was in the female toilets with the door open. This is irrelevant to the trans issue. This is a proper man. A pervert. A male… this man is not a transgender.”

Hoyle claimed that there is CCTV footage of the incident and that two mothers reported the incident to the pool and made a complaint.

Launceston Mayor Danny Gibson repeated that “We don’t have current issues with regard to males in the female toilets” and promised to take the question on notice.

Then the back-and-forth took a strange turn. Hoyle asked:

Under the current investigation issues around you being the mayor, do you think or do you believe that you should be still standing in this chamber and acting as mayor of this town? Especially when there are investigations into you by the Department of Justice?

Gibson responded that:

I’ve been open and transparent with regard to the investigation that’s taking place. When an outcome is arrived at I will report that to our community. Until that time I will continue in this role.

This week, Gibson suddenly announced his resignation as mayor.

So what was that all about?

Announcing his resignation, Gibson said:

“Over the past month, I have been the target of speculation, rumour and vile attacks stemming from media reports and persistent and relentless questioning about my Working with Vulnerable People Registration.”

So, what’s that all about?

It all began in March this year when Gibson made a surprising announcement on social media.

Launceston’s mayor has revealed that his Working with Vulnerable People registration is under review by the state’s Justice Department.

A WWVP registration is necessary in Australia for those who work or volunteer with vulnerable people, such as children. It involves a background check to determine an applicant’s suitability to be registered under the scheme. Why Gibson’s registration is under review has not been made clear, allowing fertile ground for rumours to spread like weeds.

At a recent press conference, Cr Gibson said he currently held a Working with Vulnerable People card, but could not confirm the card was currently valid.

“It’s very important for elected representatives to hold a Working with Vulnerable People card, that’s not a requirement in the act but it’s something that I think is very important,” he said […]

“Homophobic rumours and the like have always been things that I’ve been subjected to, and I do not understand or will not tolerate, those sorts of assertions that there is an issue with me working with young people or members of our community,” Cr Gibson said.


At heart is Gibson’s long-running and well-recognised career in local theatre. The most recent production he was involved in was a stage production of Priscilla, Queen of the Desert. The production’s run occurred right as Gibson’s WWVP story broke in late March.

Earlier this year, Mr Gibson directed a show with people aged under 18 […]

The mayor directed Encore Theatre Company’s musical of Priscilla, Queen of the Desert at Launceston’s Princess Theatre, which had opened on March 16 and had its closing performance on Saturday, April 1.

The Encore Theatre Company code of conduct requires all relevant production staff and volunteers to hold a current WWVP licence.

When asked by the ABC whether it had allowed Mr Gibson to direct Priscilla, Queen of the Desert without a valid WWVP licence — which would have been in breach of its code — Encore Theatre Company said it had not breached its code and had “complied with its legal obligations under the relevant Act”.

“The production went during the period specified … however, as is standard theatre practice, the director’s role ends when the show opens.”


As of yet, there has been no resolution of the WWVP review, leaving Gibson open to continued rumours and, ultimately, clearly making his position as mayor untenable — from a personal perspective, if nothing else.

Mr Gibson resigned via a fresh social media post where he claimed the “past few weeks have been too much.”

“I have loved being Mayor, and I’ve given my all – more than my all,” he said […]

“I want to reiterate that no final resolution regarding my registration has been arrived at, which has created a vacuum in which the worst possible claims have circulated.

“Claims and allegations are being made, not in a court of law, or by any authority, but online and through the ABC where I have little chance to defend myself properly.”


Gibson will take a period of leave and then continue to serve as a Councillor.


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