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Why Did Intelligent People Not Join the Dots?

yellow pink and white polka dot illustration
Photo by Sung Jin Cho. The BFD.

It is appalling to realise that people who would usually be regarded as having their heads screwed on fell so easily for obvious deception. It was a shock to think they listened to things that would never work but went along with them.

Standing behind the parliamentary ‘podiums of truth,’ Ardern and Bloomfield went on and on about the COVID -19 virus, telling New Zealanders what we should do and what we should not do. They wanted, even demanded that Kiwis follow their nonsensical instructions, even when it became clear how illogical they were. It is astonishing that intelligent Kiwis could not see through it.

It was early 2021 during Ardern’s generated panic when she told New Zealanders that the COVID-19 virus might cross the border, and all were at risk of pending doom. Fear set in. Some Kiwis instinctively knew what was being told was fabricated. The edicts were often irrational and didn’t pass the sniff test. The stories did not add up.

Those who were more data-driven became sceptical, as they realised there was no real data. The claim that the vaccine was ‘safe and effective, became a constant mantra. It was clear one only had to observe countries like Israel to see through the misinformation being fed to them. Israelis were onto their booster shots, only to despair as they continued to have a high rate of COVID-19 infections as well as an alarming number of vaccine-injured citizens.  This new vaccine being promoted in New Zealand was neither ‘safe nor effective’. Wake up people and smell the coffee.

The incredible situation is that many Kiwis did not see through the falsehoods. Even with solid facts, intelligent family members, friends and workmates fell for the ridiculous fast-changing narrative. They did not resist even when faced with increasing punitive threats. It was as though they left their brains at the door and stopped thinking.  Joining the dots didn’t occur to them.

An adult response to joining the dots is to build up a comprehensible analysis of something from disparate pieces of evidence. This takes analytical brain power to do but with the huge amount of factual COVID–19 information, it was easy to find this online. As simple as a child drawing a line between the dots in a colouring book.  Some facts and observations completely disproved what we were being told. Alarm bells ought to have been ringing.

During the pandemic era putting two and two together for some was not simple.

Let’s cut to the chase and list a few absurdities that were blindly carried out even by knowledgeable, capable people.

  • The South Island’s healthy people were put into a blanket lockdown when there was not one case of COVID-19.
  • Effective repurposed medications were banned.
  • Schools were shut down with no evidence that children were at risk.
  • We were told that it was an effective vaccine – when COVID was everywhere in the highly vaccinated population of Israel and Pfizer admitted the vaccines were never tested for effectiveness against transmission.
  • The NZ Government granted indemnity covertly to the vaccine manufacturers. Kiwis did not have information about what the Government signed the country up to and what indemnities were provided, all the while telling the nation the vaccine was safe.
  • No long-term studies had been completed with this new vaccine. Despite the medical fraternity’s oath to ‘first do no harm’ and their previous adherence to the precautionary principle, Ardern and Bloomfield promoted it was safe even for pregnant women. They could not possibly know that.
  • The spike protein circulates into every part of the body, but Kiwis were told initially the vaccine stays in the deltoid muscle and does not go into the body or cross the placenta.
  • The COVID-19 vaccines cannot effectively control SARS – CoV-2. The initial much-publicised claim that the vaccine would prevent infection and transmission was a bald–faced lie. None of the predominantly mucosal respiratory viruses have ever been effectively controlled by vaccines.
  • Mask wearing inconsistencies – i.e. a mask must be worn when standing in a restaurant, but not when sitting.

In Inc. Australia, 6 March 2021, Jeff Hadden writes of Steve Jobs

Unsurprisingly, Steve Jobs had a different take on intelligence:

A lot of it is memory. But a lot of it is the ability to zoom out. Like you’re in a city. And you could look at the whole thing from the 80th floor. And while other people are trying to figure out how to get from point A to point B reading these stupid little maps, you can just see it all in front of you. You can see the whole thing. You can make connections that seem obvious because you can see the whole thing.

To Jobs, intelligence was based on making connections. On connecting the dots. (Emphasis added)

Sadly, many intelligent Kiwis did not zoom out or make connections. All they could see was the next instruction in front of them. So, they obeyed.
