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A Muslim woman carrying an antisemitic sign in Melbourne. The BFD. Photoshop by Lushington Brady.

As I wrote recently, Australia is paying a dire price for Malcolm Fraser’s idiotically evil do-gooding. Despite repeated warnings from his advisers, Fraser was desperate to parade his so-called virtue by importing thousands of ‘refugees’ from the benighted backwaters of Lebanon.

Decades later, antisemitism has exploded (not literally… yet; just give it time) onto Australia’s streets – spearheaded by Sydney’s Lebanese Muslims.

It was in Muslim-central, the Sydney suburb of Lakemba, that spontaneous fireworks and street celebrations greeted the atrocities of 7 October. It was a crowd of Sydney Muslims who chanted “Gas the Jews!” and lit flares at the Opera House.

So, it’s no coincidence that the latest antisemitic incident also happened in Sydney.

A Sydney Jewish man who wore a traditional kippah on a Jetstar flight was met with a barrage of pro-Palestine vitriol from a fellow passenger, as cases of antisemitism and anti-Israel sentiment in Australia continue to soar.

It comes after the Australian revealed a 738 per cent rise in reported cases of antisemitism since Hamas’s October 7 attacks, according to an Executive Council of Australian Jewry report.

Sydney man Michael – whose middle name has been used over fears of further harassment – […] said that, while he was en route to the gate with his wife, a man of Middle Eastern ethnicity shouted “Free Palestine” upon seeing him.

The abuse continued on the plane.

To his dismay, the man was four rows behind them when they boarded their flight.
“I’m a proud Jew, I refused to take it (the kippah) off,” he said.

Michael said upon landing the man shouted again across the aircraft “Free Palestine” and “Stop killing our babies.”

“We were minding our business, but fully aware he was behind us,” Michael said.

When he raised it with a flight attendant he was allegedly told: “Flight’s over, everyone off the plane.”

It’s not the only antisemitic incident involving Australian airlines (where, per the diversity hiring mania) hijabs proliferate. Again, of course, in Sydney.

Separately, Karin Kalif – a Jewish woman living in Brisbane – said she was “shocked” by alleged comments from a Qantas check-in employee upon returning from Israel in late November, via Sydney to Brisbane.

“The woman looked at my passport and started asking me, ‘Could you hear the bombs your government is dropping (on Gaza)’,” she said. “I was taken aback, I had friends that were killed on October 7.”

The Australian

But there’s no show of Muslim antisemitism in Sydney without the taxpayer-funded billion-dollar leftist propaganda machine.

A fill-in host for one of the ABC’s most coveted radio spots has been sacked for a slew of anti-Israel posts after an influx of complaints from the Jewish community reached the public broadcaster’s chairwoman Ita Buttrose.

Antoinette Lattouf had been hosting ABC Sydney’s mornings program for just three days when numerous complaints were received about her conduct, including recent commentary on social media that “gas the Jews” footage from Sydney’s Opera House was unverified and accusations Israeli forces had committed rape.

“Lattouf”, eh?

Management was on Wednesday night scrambling to find a replacement for Lattouf, who is Australian-Lebanese.

Aaaand… there it is.

How does this just keep happening at the ABC?

The fallout also comes just a week after the ABC’s youth music channel was in turmoil after airing a controversial segment including the song Long Live Palestine and claims from an Indigenous guest presenter that there is “genocide and oppression and continued hate towards Palestine people” […]

ABC Middle East correspondent Tom Joyner was also investigated by the ABC after he posted offensive comments to a Whats­App group with hundreds of international journalists in October and said that claims of babies in ­Israel being beheaded by Hamas terrorists were “bullshit”.

The Australian

Oh, it doesn’t end there. Far from it.

The ABC has deleted a controversial TikTok video by a Palestinian journalist that has been described as being reminiscent of Hitler’s boycott of Jewish businesses.

It was all Peak ABC:

The report featured Palestinian reporter Amal Wehbe wearing a hijab.

The Australian

Because, of course it did.

This is what 50 years of virtue-signalling ‘refugee’ policy and a billion dollars a year pumped into the ABC gets us.
