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Why Do Media Insist on Calling Data Thieves ‘Leakers’?

The BFD.

There has been another “leak” of private information regarding NZ First, including membership lists. A shabby newspaper and purveyor of stolen materials has led with the details:

There has been a further leak of internal NZ First  documents, including highly confidential lists of party members and a  complaint alleging that local members were ignored in the selection of  the 2017 Tamaki candidate.
The leaked material also includes a mock-up of a  hoarding which the source said had been intended for the 2017 campaign,  but was vetoed “because of racist implications”.

It featured the words: “It’s about you, not them.”

It is the latest in a series of leaks that have included complaints about donations during the last election that allegedly didn’t go where they were meant to,  and criticism of party leader Winston Peters for planning to take legal action against National Party figures ahead of Government coalition negotiations.

The latest leak included NZ First’s list of party  members in Auckland, including names and contact details and whether  they were current members.

Party’s membership lists and numbers and usually  closely guarded secrets, although the party must prove to the Electoral  Commission that they have the required 500 members to remain registered  as a party.

Some members of political parties prefer to stay confidential because of the roles they hold, such as public servants.

The leaked list includes Peters himself, and partner Jan Trotman.

Also included in the documents is a February 2018  letter from Julie Carr, secretary of the Maungakiekie and Tamaki  branches, to the NZ First board.

Carr said that the board had nominated a candidate to  stand in Tamaki for the 2017 electorate without consulting the party’s  active Tamaki members “in any way”.

“We think that was negligent and discourteous of the  Board of NZ First to have ignored active Tamaki electorate members in  this way,” Carr’s letter says.

“The Active Tamaki members are upset and disappointed  at being ignored in the candidate election process for Tamaki  Electorate. We would like the Board to apologise to the Active Tamaki  members for ignoring their potentiality for nominating a Tamaki  Candidate.”

Jenny Marcroft, who is now a NZ First MP, stood in Tamaki in 2017.

A Newspaper

This continual leaking of what can only be purloined information won’t stop until the so-called leakers data thieves are actually prosecuted.

It seems to now be accepted practice for so-called news media to launder stolen property, and having membership list information can only be a serious theft. They say it is news, but they are actually aiding and abetting crimes.

All this is in reality is a shabby little case of a bitter and jealous loser who didn’t make it into parliament on the NZ First list, and who is now unlikely to ever make it into parliament.

The list of potential suspects is very short, and I expect that there will be legal ramifications for the person responsible. Their gutlessness in utilising an anonymous email address won’t protect them, as some of the information is very specific. Most connected people in NZ First now know the identity of the leaker data thief.

This is just a continuation of the internal fight where everyone was very annoyed that Tracey Martin managed to get Jenny Marcroft in. Obviously Tracey and Jenny weren’t upset. Of course, it was a stitch-up, but every party has those. How else do you think John Key managed to roll Brian Neeson at the last minute?

The strange thing is that these losers have waited two years to have a whinge and a sook, so it is likely to also be related to the sudden departure of Lester Gray for purported mental health reasons. There will be more to run on that issue, and once the truth is known it may prove unfortunate for those concerned.
