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Why Do People Want to Join Clubs They Don’t Even Like?

The BFD. Photoshop by Lushington Brady.

Groucho Marx once said that he’d never join a club that would accept him as one of its members. But, these days, plenty of people seem determined to crash their way into clubs that they don’t even want to be in.

Why, for instance, would a gay couple want someone they think hates gay people to bake their wedding cake? (They’re wrong about the bakers hating them, of course, but it’s what they think the baker thinks that matters.) I certainly wasn’t about to invite that arsehole who bullied me in high school to my wedding.

Weirder than the bake-my-cake-bigot pooves, though, are the non-Christian people who choose to send their kids to Christian schools, yet complain bitterly if the school is actually Christian.

In what sense is an Anglican school that rejects Anglican teaching in order to keep non-Anglican families happy still an Anglican school?

Imagine if you or I sent our kids to a Muslim school and then angrily demanded that the school drop all the “Prophet” and “Allah” stuff?

The Sydney Morning Herald reported at the weekend that alumni and parents from Anglican schools had issued a letter complaining the Anglican church was ‘imposing its social conservatism on classrooms’.

In other words, they were worried that the Anglican church was instructing Anglican schools to be, well, Anglican.

Specifically, parents were upset about guidelines for schools on dealing with students struggling with gender identity.

The Anglican Diocese of Sydney has advised its schools to show compassion, reject bullying and abuse and note that nobody was immune from ‘brokenness’, but to also tell students to ‘honour and preserve the maleness or femaleness of the body God has given you’.

In other words, bog-standard Christian doctrine. But the last thing these people sending their kids to Christian schools are interested in is actual Christianity.

Another parent told the Herald that most families at his daughter’s Anglican school were not religious, and that he worried ‘socially conservative’ forces were pushing the school ‘in a different direction’.

By ‘socially conservative’ he presumably meant Anglican. And by ‘different direction’ he evidently meant Christian.

If only those Anglicans wouldn’t be so Anglican, their Anglican school would be less Anglican so that non-Anglicans could enjoy it!

Apparently, Christian schools are now required to base their teachings on the Book of Woke, not the Bible. After all, Libs of TikTok clearly know better than Jesus: Surely you have read in the Scriptures: When God made the world, He made them male and female.

And so we arrive at the unique situation where Jesus is more aligned with biological reality than the “IFL Science” porch-atheist crowd.

A ‘high-achieving woman with a public profile’ [… said] “Restrictive ideas about sexuality should not be tied up in the statement of faith and the fact that they are speaks to something deeply concerning about the Sydney Anglican Church right now. To me, this is not Christ-like.”

Spectator Australia

So, there you have it: high-achieving women with public profiles know better than Christ what it means to be “Christ-like”.

Which cuts to the nub of it, really: what we’re really dealing with here are arrogant social climbers. They aren’t interested in Christian schools because they’re Christian, they only want the cachet that comes from paying tens of thousands of dollars to send their darling offspring to exclusive private schools.

Because if they were really interested in sending their kids to a school that endorsed their woke values, there’s hundreds of government schools that’ll do it for free. But where’s the bragging rights in that?


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