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Why Do Unemployed People Even Need Childcare?

At least one of the Royles actually had a job. The BFD. Photoshop by Lushington Brady.

You might wonder why two parents who aren’t working would even need childcare. After all, wasn’t the whole point of childcare to free up mothers to return to work?

Ah, you see: that’s why you’re not an expert. You’re just not clever enough to understand that two parents hanging around the house 24/7 are incapable of keeping an eye on their rugrats by themselves. Which, sadly, just might be true.

Childcare experts are demanding free daycare for kids with parents on the dole.

Early Childhood Australia chief executive Samantha Page said all children should be able to attend childcare at least two days a week – even if their parents are out of work or too poor to pay a gap fee.

“It is a complicated system and out of pocket costs are genuinely too high for some families,’’ she said.

“Children should have a right of access in their own right, not just because their parents are working.

Is there anything that isn’t a “right”, these days?

I’m old enough to remember when the whole point of childcare was relieving career women of the burden of having to actually care for their 2.1 trophy children. After all, having squeezed out the requisite brat or two, childcare was meant to free these corporate drones of the tedium of actually raising the horrid creatures.

This 1995 Leunig cartoon outraged his lefty followers. The BFD.

But then, I’m old enough to remember a time when working-class families also took responsibility for their progeny. Dads went out and did hard, unglamourous jobs, then retired and died, and Mums stayed home, all pinnies and daytime soaps, and made sure we ate our greens.

But a goodly slab of what used to be the working-class doesn’t even work any more: cradle-to-grave bennies have seen to that.

At least one of the Royles actually had a job. The BFD. Photoshop by Lushington Brady.

Ever eager to ape the elite types they see on the telly, the formerly-working-class have cottoned on that they certainly don’t need to take responsibility for their kids, either. Even if they’re sitting at home on their arses, only taking time out to go to the pub or the local KFC.

The Morrison government will spend $10.3 billion subsidising childcare this year, although parents must pass an “activity test’’ to prove they are working, studying or job-hunting to get fee relief.

The subsidies cover 85 per cent of daycare fees for the first child, and up to 95 per cent of fees for siblings, depending on family income.

A parent with one child in daycare costing $95 a day must pay $14.25 in out-of-pocket fees – or $142 a fortnight[…]

Indi Kindi’s managing director, Ros Moriarty, said unemployment rates were higher than 50 per cent in some remote communities.

She said families in Borroloola earned a median $572 a fortnight so could not afford to spend a quarter of their income on childcare gap fees.

Again, I’ll ask the stupidly obvious question: if they’re unemployed, why do they need five-days-a-week, full-time childcare?

Here’s where we get to the uncomfortable kicker:

The Parenthood executive director Georgie Dent said[…]“It is naive to assume that every child in Australia has got a safe home environment where their needs are able to be met.

“That might be the dream, but we know that lots of children are living with incredible dysfunction and stress because of parents’ mental health and unemployment.’’


People on the benny are just too lazy and venal to look after their own kids, so apparently it’s up to Joe Taxpayer to pay the gummint to do it for them.

The mystery here is just why any parents even bother working, any more. Get paid to pump out a bunch of sprogs, get paid to sit on your arse for the rest of your life, while the gummint makes someone else pay to raise your kids for you.

Which also suits the left-elite just fine: they get their hooks into the next generation from the moment they draw their first breath. Let the indoctrination commence!

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