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Why Do You Have to Be Vaxxed to Gain Entry into NZ?

The BFD.

Colin Parkinson

Perhaps the following document (released on 6 July 2022) might shed some light on this.


On page 4, Item 9 seems to suggest that there are health benefits to having only “vaccinated” people entering New Zealand, yet it only points to the benefit of reduced transmission and I’m not convinced on that one. What evidence is there of reduced risk of transmission of Omicron for those who are vaccinated? The reality seems to suggest that vaccination does absolutely nothing to reduce transmission.

Also on page 4, Item 10 confirms that requiring non-citizens to be vaccinated would not eliminate risk but it may reduce it? Is this policy based on nothing more than wishful thinking?

At least page 5 addresses the Bill Of Rights Act; unfortunately, though, this has been redacted.

I couldn’t really find any justification for stopping the “unvaccinated” from entering New Zealand in the document, but there is another document (also released on 6 July 2022) that might provide some insight as to why our border is still closed to the unvaccinated.


On page 6, Item 16 suggests that there is no data to confirm a correlation between lack of vaccination and positive cases.

Reading further on page 7, Item 20 says that initial data indicated a significant reduction in transmission, but what data is this actually based on? Delta is noted to have produced “uncertainty”. What about Omicron?

At least there is something useful there.

It mentions that the outbreak in French Polynesia is believed to have been started by a vaccinated individual.

That alone should prove that the vaccines do not keep the virus out, shouldn’t it? Or maybe not. Perhaps if it were backed up by further research, we could see that the virus managed to get in to New Zealand through our border, where nearly everyone is supposed to be masked and vaccinated; spreading throughout the ‘highly vaccinated’ community in venues using vaccine passes, we might find that… ahh… hmm… the vaccines don’t seem to stop the virus at all.

So why are unvaccinated people still denied entry into New Zealand? From a health-based point of view, it doesn’t make any sense.


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