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Why Don’t Trannies Just Play with Each Other?

“Transgender” behemoths are grinding the girls into the mud. Kelly Morgan (left), and Hannah Munsey (far right).

Is there any contemporary ideology more misogynistic that transgenderism? At least Islam only relegates women to secondary status. Transgenderism is trying to erase women altogether.

Old school sexism declared that women were inferior to men in many ways, but at least acknowledged their superiority in certain essential roles. As the award of “Woman of the Year” to “Caitlyn” (Bruce) Jenner showed, transgenderism would have us believe that women are inferior to men in everything, including at being women. The British NHS would also have us believe that women don’t even have an exclusive claim to pregnancy.

But it’s on the sports field that women are being really – and literally – smashed.

“Transgender” behemoths are grinding the girls into the mud. Kelly Morgan (left), and Hannah Munsey (far right).

Men’s and women’s sports have long been separated for a very obvious and undeniable reason: biologically, men have an indisputable edge over women in contests of strength and endurance. The world’s number one tennis woman was trounced by a low-ranked man. Women’s Olympic track and field records are regularly smashed by high school boys. A scientific study showed that even a weedy, untrained male has a clear edge of strength over the most highly-trained women.

Forcing women to compete against biological males on the sports field is setting them up for humiliating failure.

So, instead of that, why not give the cocks-in-frocks a league of their own?

Retired NFL defensive end Marcellus Wiley suggested a separate category for transgender athletes after President Joe Biden recently issued an executive order allowing males who identify as female to participate in women’s sports.

“As a father of 3 daughters & the husband to a former collegiate athlete, this hits home in a special way,” Wiley tweeted Friday. “It’s time to create a separate transgender category in competition!”

Note that Wiley is not speaking from a position of “transphobia” or “hate”: he is simply asking that women like his daughters be given a fair space. How does it “respect” women to force them to lose to biological males?

Many of the responses to Wiley’s tweet were positive, but Wiley acknowledged that not everyone supported his assertion. “I’m hearing that pushback,” Wiley tweeted in response to a tweet from Cory Procter, who is a former NFL football guard. “But, is that respecting all? That’s what I want to dive into[.]”

The Daily Wire

In the rush to “respect” and “acknowledge” so-called “trans-women”, the notion of respect and acknowledgement of actual women has been traduced. Worse, actual women who dare to assert the uniqueness of their biology have been subjected to an avalanche of unhinged hate.

So, by all means have your she-male sports. Just don’t go whinging when nobody wants to watch a 21st century freakshow.

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