The topic of Gaza is one on which, as one commenter noted, a great many people are passionately ignorant. The more ignorant, the more dementedly ‘pro-Palestinian’ they are. One of their biggest conceits is, as is the way with the left, that they are on the side of unimpeachable moral goodness. They tilt their heads and witter pious nostrums about ‘peace’, even as they support vile, genocidal, rapist mass murderers who openly brag about sacrificing their own people.
But their biggest and most sickening lie is ‘innocent Palestinian civilians’.
There is, in stark reality, no such thing. Even less than there were sacrosanct German civilians in WWII. The Third Reich was a total war economy. From top to bottom, Nazi Germany was a society completely given over to making war. There was little functional difference between soldier and civilian.
The same is even more true of Gaza. Gaza is also a total war economy, where every facet of life is given over to one purpose and one purpose only: jihad. Total Islamic holy war, first against the Jews and, then, by Hamas’ own admission, against the rest of us.
Even more than Nazi Germany, Gaza is a society completely given over to the psychosis of hate.
Hamas is still in control of the Gaza Strip. It still has the overwhelming support of two million Gazans. I’ve seen no evidence to the contrary.
With all the atrocities Hamas has committed, self-documented, all the horrors, of all the lies it has told, all the evil it has employed and deployed, with all the words written about Gazans deserving freedom, the images, footage and interviews coming out of Gaza since the ceasefire began two weeks ago show a strong and continued alignment.
An alignment of complete and fanatical loyalty to Hamas and its genocidal cause.
I have watched, in dismay to be honest, interview after interview of Gazan civilians – men and women – proudly boasting of some kind of “victory”, and that the next step is to wipe out Israel.
Many stared defiantly into the cameras, boasting about how they hid hostages themselves. These innocent civilians.
Anyone who personally hid hostages, or who knew where the hostages were hidden and kept silent, is functionally no different to a Hamas fighter. They are all complicit.
Returned hostage Liri Albag was filmed, pale and swollen, wearing an ill-fitting pretend uniform and what looked like a dog collar in a Hamas propaganda video released on January 5. After 15 months as a hostage, she has told the world there are no innocent Gazans.
“Dad, there are two million terrorists there, make no mistake. I sat with children aged eight and four who were cursing the Jews.”
Is this a people radicalised beyond redemption?
“There are two million terrorists there, make no mistake.”
That’s not even a rhetorical question. We know the answer. Even the Germans and Japanese citizens in WWII were nowhere near as completely immersed in unhinged hatred as Gazans. When the Germans and Japanese were defeated, they took their licks, wised up, and ditched the ideologies that brought them so low. Through a combination of inbreeding and the subsequent low-IQs (both well documented) and decades of inculcation in a psychopathic ideology, Gazans have proved themselves incapable of learning any such lesson, any time soon.
Is it a case, as journalist Douglas Murray has theorised, that in the 18 years since Hamas took control of Gaza, it created a generation, a people lost in sociopathy. A cult so deeply rooted in hatred that it cannot divorce itself from a fundamentalist identity whose sole reason for existing is the destruction of the Jews.
Even as Anthony Albanese and his odious Foreign Minister Penny Wong clutch their pearls at US President Donald Trump’s policy of clearing out Gaza completely, their own arguments prove him right.
Our government has said Hamas can have no role in a future Gaza. This is obvious and true.
But for now, at least, it may as well be saying Gazans can play no role.
Does the West think Hamas is going to politely step aside? Do they think Gazans are going to say: “Yes, you’re right, countries with Judeo-Christian values. We shall assimilate.”
The bleating about ‘ethnic cleansing’ is also beside the point. Wiping Gaza clear of Hamas and its ‘civilian’ supporters is no more ethnic cleansing than de-Nazifying post-War Germany was.
DeNazification of Germany took years after World War II. Even though most Germans were done with Hitler’s Third Reich by this time, nearly 10 million Nazis remained among a population of 70 million. The danger was they would regroup and re-emerge.
In any case, Gazans are not a distinct ethnicity. They are Arab Muslims, with all that entails.
In Iraq, as of January 21, it is legal for a man to marry a nine-year-old girl. Let’s reframe this: government-sanctioned child rape under the guise of “religious custom” is now legal in Iraq. The country’s religious authorities have the power to rule on family affairs including the marrying of children. This cultural norm is incompatible with Australia’s values. If you disagree, thanks for self-identifying as someone who should be deported.
The Hamas charter is quite specific around its view on women. Article 17 specifies that the primary role of women is to “manufacture men”. Gazan women have one of the lowest labour market participation rates in the world, at about 22 per cent; the global average is 50 per cent.
None of these are observations about race or nationality; they are about culturally accepted norms, and it is relevant because Hamas “governs” Gaza, and too few have been clear-eyed about what this means for the future there, and for any refugees our government might wish to welcome […]
Remember, not a single country in the Arab League will take Gazan refugees. Since this war began, Egypt has kept its border with Gaza sealed tight.
That’s because they remember perfectly well what happened when they did the last time.
Our moronic government clearly does not.
Australia is one of the few governments to have opened its doors to Gazan refugees. If and how well they have been vetted remains murky.
That’s because they haven’t been vetted. Most were granted visas via an online portal. A few were subjected to all the rigour of a phone call. Thousands of these genocidal zealots are about to be hand-waved into Australia.
How does anyone think this is going to work out? In a week where we have seen recent Muslim refugees, in their capacity of hospital workers, brag about killing Jews, and Muslim refugees in Europe have mounted multiple deadly terror attacks, the answer is all-too clear.
But Albanese and Wong will be long gone from office and collecting their fat parliamentary pensions by then. They’ll never be held to proper account, no more than Malcolm Fraser was, for his dangerously idiotic ‘Lebanese Concession’ in 1975.