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Why Is He Even Here?

Why are we letting these people stay in the country – and why won’t they go?

Arashi Rahbari: Why is he even still in Australia? The Good Oil. Photoshop by Lushington Brady.

Why is he even here?

If you truly believed that one nation is a ‘pathetic tyrannical terrorist regime’, and if you truly wanted to serve the leader of another nation, of which you are a national and there’s nothing stopping you leaving the former for the latter, why would you stay?

There’s three possible answers: either you’re a liar, you’re a coward – or you’re a fifth columnist.

Which is it, Arashi Rahbari?

A pro-Hezbollah activist who led a march through Melbourne last weekend waving the terrorist group’s flag and chanting pro-Hamas and pro-Houthi slogans can be identified as an Iranian national who believes Australia is a pathetic “tyrannical terrorist regime”.

The Australian has confirmed Arashi Rahbari was one of the leaders of the provocative pro-Hezbollah rally staged to mourn the loss of slain terrorist Hassan Nasrallah.

Mr Rahbari, who lives in Melbourne and is an Iranian national, was spotted on Sunday wearing a shirt with Hezbollah’s paraphernalia while waving the terrorist flag, strapped to another Iranian flag. The emergence of an Iranian national as a local pro-Hezbollah leader underlines the challenge facing Australia in dealing with the fallout from the October 7 terrorist attack in Israel and the war that has since erupted.

Where’s the challenge? Deport the bastard and send him back to the shithole he loves so much.

Mr Rahbari attended the violent Land Forces protest in September and was filmed by the Australian chanting “Hamas, Houthis, Hezbollah, Mashallah” and “Labayka ya Khomeini”, meaning “I’m at your service, ­Khomeini” or “Here I am, Khomeini”. He was wearing a white cap with a picture of a Hamas terrorist and a white shirt of the former supreme leader of Iran, Ruhollah Khomeini […]

In an image Mr Rahbari shared on social media featuring a protest where several men were holding a yellow Hezbollah flag, Mr Rahbari called Australia a “pathetic tyrannical terrorist regime”. Another caption he wrote states: “I will not bow down to Australian terrorist regime! Get fd mate!! Mashallah Hezbollah labaik ya Nasrallah.”

Then why is he here?

And why is this bastard still here, for that matter?

The Iranian ambassador to Australia, Ahmad Sadeghi, also remembered slain Hezbollah leader Nasrallah as a “remarkable leader” and a “prominent standard-bearer”, despite his decades-long reign of terror in the Middle East.

Mr Sadeghi said the “blessed martyr”, who was a designated terrorist around the world, had a dignified path to heaven and described his leadership as an ongoing struggle against “the vile entity of the Zionist regime” […]

A spokesperson for Foreign Minister Penny Wong has condemned the comments but resisted calls to expel the top Iranian diplomat, despite pressure from the opposition.

Of course she didn’t. Wong is too busy railing at Israel from the UN podium.

And the same governments who used helicopters to track down people camping in the Tasmanian wilderness when they were supposed to be ‘staying home’, the same governments who rolled out rubber bullets, teargas and armoured vehicles against people asking for nothing more than to carry on their lives as normal, are sitting on their hands while violent anti-Semitism runs amok.

Monday marks the anniversary of the worst mass murder of Jews since the Holocaust.

The days ahead now look set to be hijacked not just by anti-Israel activists, but by those who have previously praised the murders that took place one year ago […]

Whether we like it or not, the hatred and bigotry of the Middle East is poisoning community relations and our institutions have shown themselves to be unequal to the challenge.

The nation’s leaders have vast communications resources. Why not use them to run an education campaign for the Muslim community about the requirements of the rule of law in general, and the counter terrorism laws in particular?

He has to be kidding, right? Does he actually think that the low-IQ, drooling troglodytes bellowing ‘Gas the Jews!’ are for one second going to listen to a polite talking to?

Talk about the best lacking all conviction. The rough beasts are slouching through our streets and screaming their bloodthirsty hate, with impunity. This country is rooted.

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