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Proudly brought to you by the UN. The BFD. Photoshop by Lushington Brady.

The anti-Semitic corruption of the UNRWA — its Palestinian “aid” body — has been known for years. But the latest revelation, that its members actively participated in the horrors of October 7, ought to be the final nail in its coffin. And, indeed, its parent body, the UN itself.

If nothing else, UN Secretary-General Antonio Guterres ought to resign in shame. Any other leader caught presiding over an agency which for years has distributed violently anti-Semitic material, allowed its facilities to be used by terror groups, and supplied participants in one of the most horrific terror attacks in a century, would count the days of their remaining tenure on one hand.

And where the corrupt, anti-Semitic UN goes, the USA’s Socialist (Klaus?) Barbie is eagerly following.

Rep. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez (D-N.Y.) is calling for the United States to restore funding to a United Nations agency despite an explosive report.

On Monday, the progressive congresswoman reacted to the news the U.S. would pause funding to the United Nations Relief and Works Agency (UNRWA) amid allegations some of its employees engaged in Hamas’ Oct. 7 attack in Israel.

“Cutting off support to [UNRWA] – the primary source of humanitarian aid to 2 million+ Gazans – is unacceptable,” Ocasio-Cortez wrote.

She added, “Among an organization of 13,000 UN aid workers, risking the starvation of millions over grave allegations of 12 is indefensible. The US should restore aid immediately.”

Independent Journal Review

Both Occasional-Cortex and Guterres are lying (or at least, bending the facts to breaking point) to try and defend the indefensible. Guterres babbles about the “tens of thousands of men and women who work for UNRWA” — which is technically true, if hyperbolic. Just 13,000 work for the UNRWA.

But Ocasio-Cortez is dead wrong — either lying or ignorant, take your pick; or both — that only 12 UNRWA have been accused.

Only 12 have been named. So far, nearly 200 UNRWA workers — 10% of its workforce — are accused of having directly participated in the October 7 attacks.

Let that sink in: one in 10 of UN “aid” workers actively took part in one of the most horrific terror attacks in history.
The six-page dossier accuses 190 UNRWA employees of serving as operatives for Hamas and Palestinian Islamic Jihad, Reuters confirmed.

The dossier included names and pictures of only 11 UNRWA employees, which included a social worker, a school counselor, and at least seven teachers at U.N. run schools, the New York Times reported.

The report accused the school counselor of coordinating with his son to abduct a woman from Israel on October 7, while others were accused of taking part in the massacres at Kibbutz Be’eri and Re’im, where 260 concertgoers were killed at a music festival.

Others were accused of helping distribute ammunition and weapons before the attack, according to the New York Times report.


And that’s just the start.

Around 1,200 staffers with the UN’s Palestinian refugee aid agency have links to Hamas — and thousands more of the workers are closely related to members of Gaza terror groups, according to an Israeli dossier.

The damning report — built through interrogations of Hamas terrorists and recovered documents in Gaza — alleges that about 10% of the United Nations Relief and Works Agency’s 12,000 workers have ties to Hamas or Palestinian Islamic Jihad, the Wall Street Journal said.

Among all of the agency’s workers, nearly half — or around 6,000 — have close kin in the militant organizations, which have ruled Gaza since 2007, according to the intelligence, which was given to the US.

Those with close ties to the terror groups were considered “operatives,” meaning they took part in Hamas’ military or political activities, the report said.

“UNRWA’s problem is not just ‘a few bad apples’ involved in the Oct. 7 massacre — the institution as a whole is a haven for Hamas’ radical ideology,” a senior Israeli government official told the Journal.

“UNRWA’s problem is not just ‘a few bad apples’ involved in the Oct. 7 massacre — the institution as a whole is a haven for Hamas’ radical ideology”

Senior Israeli government official

No wonder the UN and leftist US politicians are so determined to defend this UN terror agency. Not to mention much of the activist-riddled “aid” sector.

A coalition of 20 aid groups, including the Norwegian Refugee Council, Oxfam and Save the Children, also called for funding to be restored.

Stars and Stripes

Well, thanks for the list of organisations to never, ever, give a single cent to.

The only question remaining is why the NZ government is still funnelling taxpayers’ money to the Hamas front group.


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