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Why Isn’t Gaza a Sparkling Jewel?

A sane population would have built Gaza into a modern marvel.

This will never happen while Gaza is populated solely by violent psychos. The Good Oil. Photoshop by Lushington Brady.

Why is Gaza such an irredeemable shithole? I’m not talking about the entirely deserved rubble heap it is, now: that punishment was every bit as invited on their own heads as the levelling of Berlin and Tokyo in 1945. Play Hamas games, win Hamas prizes.

No, I’m talking about the irredeemable shithole it was prior to October 2023, and was for decades.

Now that President Donald Trump has stated the glaringly obvious – that the Gaza Strip could and should be the ‘the Riviera of the Middle East’ – the question is: why isn’t it already?

In fact, the question has to be asked why the Gazans didn’t do precisely what President Trump now proposes when, in 2005, the Israeli authorities handed the Strip to them with the Jewish settlers moved out.

By all rights, Gaza should have been a thriving, wealthy jewel on the shores of the Mediterranean. After all, it had been the recipient of billions of dollars of free money. The UN alone showered them with $4.5 billion between 2014–2020. Not only that, they got almost all of their civilian infrastructure for free: hospitals, schools, even water pipes, all donated by the international community. Israel supplied them with electricity and water for free.

Germany and Japan, despite their hideous crimes, were similarly showered with money and infrastructure rebuilding after WWII. Each of them refashioned themselves into thriving, peaceful economies: the envy of the world. They became two of the most pacifistic nations in the world.

Not the violent savages of Gaza. They used the money to build a vast network of terror tunnels. Schools and hospitals became ammo dumps, machine-gun nests, rocket launching sites and Hamas bunkers. They cut up the water pipes and turned them into rockets to terrorise Israelis.

Similarly, Beirut was once feted as the ‘Paris of the Middle East’. Then Lebanon succumbed to the same Islamic savagery as Gaza.

Two decades of Hamas rule, in a place where half the population is under 18, has seen to it that nearly the entire population of Gaza has fallen into an apparently permanent mindset of psychotic Islamic savagery, directed primarily at the Jews (although Hamas have openly stated that they’ll get to the rest of us once they’ve done the Jews).

In spite of this, the fatuous global elite still prattle about a ‘two-state solution’, even after the Arabs have made abundantly and violently clear that they will never accept any such thing. It’s either death to the Jews or nothing.

So, let it be nothing.

Trump’s is the only solution on the table.

As the Strip is now so obviously a dangerous demolition site, the Gazans, conveniently stripped of their Hamas terrorist overlords, would need to be relocated.

Permanently, or at least for the foreseeable future. The anti-Jewish psychosis is clearly too deeply ingrained in the collective Gazan mind for them to be allowed to live adjacent to Israel for decades, at the least.

Of course the chattering nitwits of the ‘established global order’ will prate and whine about ‘imperialism’. Well, so what?

Greg Sheridan at the Australian writes that, ‘Donald Trump has proposed the most astounding, outlandish, radical, gobsmackingly strange proposal of his entire life in suggesting the US could long-term “own” the devastated Gaza Strip.’

The fact is imperial rule, especially in the Anglo-American tradition, is highly pragmatic and often unplanned, appropriate when the British Empire is said to have been acquired ‘in a fit of absence of mind’.

An examination of the success of the informal British protectorate in late nineteenth and early twentieth century Egypt, especially in reforming state finances, all while Egypt remained a province of the Ottoman Empire, demonstrates what could be dismissed as ‘astounding or gobsmackingly strange’.

But it worked.

It’s a commonplace of the globalist elite and their media lickspittles to whine that Trump is ‘overturning the established, rules-based international order’. Again: so what? So fucking what?

The genius of Trump is that he is not a career politician or Washington swamp monster. His career has been built on hard-headed pragmatism and thinking outside the box. Sometimes it fails, but most often it works. No less as a politician than as a CEO.

In the meantime all these events demonstrate yet again that Donald Trump is a remarkable man, extraordinarily well suited to the role he is playing.

His instinct is superb.

Take one example.

During the campaign, a Nevada waitress who was serving him told him of the enormous trouble she had in keeping tax records concerning her tips.

Without hearing from pollsters or focus groups, or advice from lawyers and economists, he just took out a piece of white paper and noted his conclusion.

‘No taxes on tips.’

He announced it at one of the following campaign meetings. The crowd went wild.

The announced policy was so obviously popular that Kamala Harris promptly copied it.

The chattering elite will fulminate against Trump’s Gaza policy, but sooner or later they will have to concede that keeping on doing the same thing – keeping on throwing good money at the bloodthirsty savages of Gaza – will just continue to not work in the most bloody fashion. Time to try something new: if it fails, nothing much will change and Gaza will remain a shithole populated with genocidal psychopaths.

But if it works…

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