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Why Organisations Should Shun Rainbow Tick Certification

Photoshopped image credit Pixy

Organisations considering getting the Rainbow tick of approval via Rainbow Tick certification should think twice before applying. Rainbow Tick certification is like the song “Hotel California”: you can sign in but you can never leave.

Look at what has happened in New Zealand with Halal certification. All our large meat processing plants now have Halal certification and all our animals apart from pigs are slaughtered according to Halal guidelines even though New Zealand is not a Muslim country and even though Kiwi Muslims only make up a tiny percentage of our population.

The NZ meat industry cannot remove Halal certification because to do so will cost them financially, as they can no longer export our meat to most countries –  unless they are Halal certified thanks to the spread of Halal certification. In summary, the Halal certification people grow more powerful and rich by the day as their reach is now so large that they can easily bully any smaller operators into complying whether they want to or not. Nowadays you either slaughter Halal or you cannot do business overseas, end of story. Too bad if this means that your majority non-Muslim population has no choice but to eat meat slaughtered according to Sharia law, that has had an Islamic prayer said over it.

The Rainbow tick certification is similar. Transgender and LGBTTI people make up a tiny proportion of New Zealand’s population, yet the push for educational institutions as well businesses to become Rainbow certified is strong.

If you want to know just how strong the pressure is to comply, you only need to look at Massey University which stomped on the throat of the free speech of the majority of its students in order to prevent the threatened loss of their Rainbow Tick certification.

Massey University was concerned that it may lose its rainbow tick if the event went ahead

NZ Herald

The minute a business or organisation complies in order to gain Rainbow Tick certification, they have handed over a knife to be held to their throat at a later date. The negative publicity associated with having their Rainbow Tick removed would be debilitating. The Rainbow lobby and their activists have the power to crush a business, and if you don’t think they will use that power to destroy a business, you obviously haven’t been following what has been happening overseas.

Rainbow Tick certification is a choke collar willingly put on by a business or educational organisation thinking that it will gain them woke points. If a company or institution want to be woke, they can do so without putting power into the hands of the Rainbow lobby. Look at how easily the Rainbow Tick, hand in glove with Massey University, stomped all over the right to free speech. The speakers included members of the Rainbow community, yet their right to be heard was taken away. The Rainbow Tick therefore, is ONLY for the right kind of LGBTTI people – which makes it an even smaller, tinier minority.

I say stand up to these Rainbow bullies. Say NO to Rainbow Tick certification.

Photoshopped image credit Pixy
