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Why Siouxsie Wiles’s Hypocrisy Is Important

Hypocrite of the year. Photoshopped image credit Luke. The BFD.

Siouxsie Wiles has enlisted the support of Dr Ashley Bloomfield and Prime Minister Jacinda Ardern to cover for her appalling hypocrisy. And it is appalling hypocrisy. She’s been lecturing us all for 18 months about how we must all follow the rules.

Hypocrites have the same problem that liars have: they generally forget the things they’ve said and done in the past. Siouxsie Wiles has clearly forgotten this article from The Spinoff, written on 26 March 2020:

I’ve been getting lots of questions about we can and can’t do while we are at level four. Today the prime minister was really clear on this. Her advice: Act like you have Covid-19. Minimise the time you spend outside your home. That means no going for a leisurely drive or driving to the beach. What if you had an accident or your car broke down? There won’t be a coastguard to get us out of a pickle, so no boating or surfing.

You can go for a walk or a bike ride around your neighbourhood to get some exercise. You can go out to get essentials like food. But stay away from other people. No stopping to chat – even if you are two metres away from each other. Just give a wave and keep moving. Because the virus can live on surfaces for up to three days, don’t take your kids to the playground. Stay at home.

Remember, while we are physically distancing ourselves from everyone outside our bubble for the next few weeks, it’s important we stay socially connected. So be sure to schedule some online coffee mornings or dinner parties.

Siouxsie Wiles, The Spinoff

Or this article from 1 April 2020:

Already, some people have apparently convinced themselves they aren’t doing any harm by nipping out of their bubbles. They don’t have the virus, right? Well, it’s really important to remember this: people can be infectious for days before they show symptoms.

The reality is simple. Everyone who visits another bubble could set off a chain reaction that at best puts our essential workers out of action and at worst puts people’s lives at risk. So please, stay in your bubbles New Zealand.

Siouxsie Wiles, The Spinoff

Or this article by Alice Webb-Liddall, also on 26 March 2020, which quotes Siouxsie Wiles:

Why can’t we join our neighbour’s bubble? None of us are seeing anyone else, so surely that’s safe? It’s not really “breaking” our bubble, it’s just inviting others in!

As per the emergency message, the people who were in the same household as you last night are the ones now in your bubble.

Siouxsie Wiles explains how the bubbles work in this story. She says, “if it turns out someone in our bubble is incubating Covid-19, then the virus will be limited to our bubble. It won’t be able to spread any further. It also means if no one in our bubble has the virus then as long as we stay in our bubble, we will stay safe and save lives”.

So no, don’t go combining your bubble with your neighbour’s family, or your friend down the street. Like Jacinda Ardern said in her Facebook live video, act as though you already have Covid-19. You wouldn’t want to combine bubbles then, would you?

The Spinoff

So this is why it is important to ignore the rubbish excuses from Siouxsie Wiles, the deliberate obfuscations from Dr. Ashley Bloomfield and the covering and dismissiveness of Ardern.

Siouxsie Wiles has repeatedly and loudly used her public platform to tell people not to do the exact thing she has done.

She is a hypocrite. The whole health message has been destroyed by one of the people who created it in the first place.

Clearly, Siouxsie Wiles doesn’t believe the articles she’s written; otherwise she would have adhered to her own advice. So Auckland is still in level four lockdown and Siouxsie Wiles is a rank and classless hypocrite.

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