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Why Tell the Truth When Your Job Depends on Lies?

Ancient Aboriginal rock art depicting the first “Welcome to Country”. The BFD. Photoshop by Lushington Brady.

Race troughers and professional “Aborigines” love to blatherskite about “truth-telling”, but telling the whole, unvarnished truth is the last thing they really do. Half of the time these pasty-faced bullshit-artists can’t even tell the truth of their own ancestry.

But their endless calumnies against Australia, that is a “racist” country, is even further from the truth.

As the great Thomas Sowell says, “Racism is not dead, but it is on life support — kept alive by politicians, race hustlers and people who get a sense of superiority by denouncing others as ‘racist’.”

At least, this is true in Western countries. As global surveys show, racism is very much alive in non-Western countries: North Africa, the Middle East and parts of Asia remain very, very racist.

And yet, the left remain utterly convinced that the West, especially Australia, is a seething hotbed of racism.

Despite a notable lack of actual evidence.

Some racism between Indigenous and non-Indigenous Australians exists for sure, but sound evidence for it being widespread and endemic is lacking.

Given the lack of strong evidence to the contrary, I assert that the amount of racism directed towards Indigenous Australians is very small. Nonetheless, academics, political leaders and Indigenous leaders will cite an example of either real or imagined racism and then make the unfounded claim that Australia is a racist country.

So, why do race troughers not only feel safe in bellowing obvious lies, but never get called out for it? Why do so many people so easily believe the lie that Australia is “systemically racist”, especially to Aboriginal Australians?

For a start, an entire, lucrative industry churns out endless reports, making just such claims about “racism”, in schools, in the workplace, in government.

For example, Reconciliation Australia released a report: 2022 Australian Reconciliation Barometer. The report mentioned: “Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people’s experiences of racial prejudice have increased in the last two years”; and: “In the past six months, 60 per cent of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people have experienced at least one form of racial prejudice.” This is interesting, to say the least. Many social justice warriors will be salivating at this point; some perhaps claiming that this is why we need the voice – to end this endemic racism.

The only problem is that the survey is rank garbage. It was an online, self-selected survey, and it measured “reported experiences” of racism. Even worse, “racism” is never actually defined in the report.

In other words, the report is a stalking horse for the aggrieved, who are allowed to assert whatever they want, without any meaningful analysis of the so-called “evidence”.

Tenuous evidence is ­offered in support of claims of racism. Although tenuous, again, repetition is all that is needed to be convincing. For example, the erroneous assumption that inequalities between the wellbeing of In­digenous and non-Indigenous Australians is often offered as evidence of racism.

BFD readers will be only too familiar with this gambit. Health inequalities between Maori and non-Maori in New Zealand, for instance, are regularly attributed to “racism”, blithely ignoring such obvious factors as (generally) poorer diet and exercise among Maori, higher rates of smoking, lower rates of following medical appointments or keeping to medication regimes, and so on.

Even when acknowledged, even those are blamed on “racism”. It’s an unfalsifiable mental fortress of circular argument.

The worst of this circle-jerk of nasty bullshit is not just that it is a vicious slander on Australia, but that it does nothing to improve the lot of Aboriginal Australians. When all the energies of the race industry are obsessively focussed on hunting imaginary boogey-men, the very real problems go unaddressed. Which, one suspects, is exactly how the race-troughers like it.

Focusing on excessive claims of racism against Indigenous Australians diverts attention away from the serious problems that disproportionately affect them: unsafe living environments, poor health, violence, child neglect, etc.

These are problems many Indigenous activists prefer not to ­address, let alone acknowledge. Their voices are notably absent, unless of course they claim racism is the cause of these problems.

The Australian

A problem solved is, after all, an existential crisis for an activist.

What would happen, if we were to admit the plain truth — that Australia is not “systemically racist”, and that Australians are not by and large racist toward Aboriginal Australians? The race industry would be out of a job. The entire, taxpayer-funded, industry of race quangos, legal services, commissions, and advisory boards, would evaporate overnight.

The troughers would have to get real jobs.
