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They’ll decide what you can see. The BFD. Photoshop by Lushington Brady.

As the Hunter Biden laptop scandal shows, lies of omission are often the most damaging of all. It’s not an exaggeration to say that the Deep State, the media and Big Tech’s complicit hiding of the scandal ahead of the 2020 election swung the result firmly in Joe Biden’s favour. Polling indicates that enough voters would have been swayed, had they known of the laptop and its contents, to completely re-write the result.

It’s not a conspiracy theory to say that there was a concerted campaign of suppression, either: in fact, they’re openly telling us what they did.

Australia’s taxpayer-funded leftist propaganda outfit broadcaster, the ABC, is a master of suppressing inconvenient stories. So much so, that even their own Media Watch program occasionally notices.

And now to a story that’s been reported around the world that you won’t see on the ABC.

No, they’re not talking about the industrial-scale, organised mass-rape of white children in Britain by gangs of Pakistani Muslims. Even the ABC accidentally reports on that horror occasionally.

Instead, they’re talking about another industrial-scale brutalisation and mutilation of children.

For more than 30 years, London’s world-leading Tavistock clinic has pioneered the treatment of children with gender dysphoria. But in recent years it’s been under mounting pressure, both from a surge in demand and from growing controversy.

Well, “pioneered” in the same sense that Josef Mengele pioneered transplant surgery.

Two years ago, the BBC revealed staff concerns about the clinic’s haste in offering gender affirmation treatment:

DEBORAH COHEN: The implications for this are that young people might not have had other issues addressed before making a potentially life changing decision to go onto puberty blocking drugs.

Newsnight, BBC, 2 October, 2020

That same year, in a high-profile case about the use of puberty blockers, which got scant coverage on the ABC, a former Tavistock patient, Keira Bell, took the clinic to the UK High Court.

Tavistock eventually won on appeal, but the jig was up. Earlier this year, a review of the clinic by a leading paediatrician reached damning conclusions. As the UK Observer put it, the review found a profound lack of evidence and medical consensus about the best approach to treating gender dysphoria in children.

And two weeks ago, UK health authorities closed the gender clinic down, promising to replace it with new, regional centres offering a more ‘holistic’ approach to treatment.

Now this is a significant development in the debate about how to treat gender dysphoria, which was covered at length by Crikey, The Guardian, The Daily Mail, and even the Newcastle Herald.

And The Australian slapped the story on its front page.

The Oz also published an editorial, while over at Sky News, Liberal Senator Claire Chandler pointed out the local implications of the story. Especially for Australia’s own “Tavistock”, the gender clinic of the Royal Children’s Hospital.

So, here we have questions and arguments about an important issue of our time — how to provide the best-possible treatment for children with gender dysphoria and how to ensure they’re not rushed into life-altering decisions.

But two weeks on, we can’t see any trace of the story on the ABC. Not on its news bulletins. Or across its many TV, radio and online platforms.

And that’s strange, because the ABC has many positive stories on trans issues. Like this one in January about how Ellie came to terms with her transgender identity at the age of seven.

This one in March on young Australians exploring gender more than ever before.

And this one in May about gender service waitlists causing a mental health crisis in Queensland.

What was the ABC’s official excuse for burying the Tavistock story?

The focus of our coverage is what is happening in Australia.

ABC Media Watch

Yet, the ABC manages to run blanket coverage of the January 6 show trials, and even produced a three-hour special on its flagship Four Corners program, on the Russiagate scandal. The ABC has never, by the way, published a retraction or an admission that Russiagate was a complete fabrication.

And since they were shamed by their own Media Watch, they’ve produced… one — count it, one! — story on the Tavistock closure.

This is what Australians get for their billion dollars-plus in taxes, every year.
