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Why We Need DOGE

This goes beyond just financial mismanagement. If we had something like DOGE this racket could have been picked up much earlier and saved us all a billion dollars.

Photo by Online Marketing / Unsplash
A consultant’s report to the government says Health New Zealand lost control of spending, sending it off the rails.

Health NZ released the report soon after Minister Simeon Brown declared the “recklessly mismanaged” system under the previous government “changes today.”

 […] Deloitte, one of the ‘big four’ consultancies, did the 77-page report –  released midday Friday – to find causes behind Health NZ/Te Whatu Ora’s sudden lurch last year from forecasting a half-billion-dollar surplus to a half-billion-dollar deficit that then grew to over $1 billion.

From a 500 million dollar surplus to a one billion dollar deficit in a single year. If Health New Zealand was a private company the people involved would be facing criminal charges.

It talks about “missing” plans, unheeded warnings and that “there was never buy-in” from operational teams to make savings even as the agency headed into a slow-motion financial car crash.

It intimated the country might have been better to have stuck with the previous 20 district health boards (DHBs).

 […] The decline in financial performance in 2023/24 was primarily due to Health NZ losing control of the critical levers that drive financial outcomes.

Health NZ did not have the right executive or board-level controls for such a huge agency, it said.

Monkeys in charge.

There was no plan in [Health NZ] during 2023/24 that demonstrated an understanding of what would need to be true to stay within the income for the outputs and services to be procured or provided by [Health NZ].

[…] A savings plan was drawn up in mid-2023, but did not work.

There were no supporting action plans, ownership, budget impacts, tracking and reporting, and governance applied to the savings programme.

[…] Yet senior managers kept on telling the health minister savings were on track. In the face of that, performance reporting warned of “extreme risk” around savings, but any “course-correct... was missing

Basically, they lied. Like I said: if Health NZ was a private company the people involved would be facing criminal charges.

Budgets were found to be inaccurate,” the report said.

Managers down the chain lacked control, and some believed that some extra money somewhere existed to cover “known overspending.

“Inconsistent budget setting and lack of accountability led to unexpected overspending and financial deficits which went undetected for a period of time.”

A revolving door of staff undermined capability and experience, diminishing financial controls

In other words it was such a shit show even new staff hires didn’t want anything to do with it.

[…] The agency’s board was sacked and replaced by Levy in mid-2024. A deficit put at $130m-plus a month continued.

Within one week in February, chief executive Margie Apa resigned, as did the director-general of health – a Ministry of Health Ministry – and the director of public health.

[…] Labour leader Chris Hipkins, in a state of the nation speech on Friday, said the party’s third goal was a quality public healthcare system where “everyone has access to the care they need, when they need it.”

Yeah, sure.

This goes beyond just financial mismanagement. In fact, it begs the question, can people really be this useless? If you know what I mean.

Who knows. If we had something like DOGE this whole corrupt racket could have been picked up much earlier and saved us all a billion dollars.

