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Why Won’t They Intervene to Protect Kiwis? Part Four

group of people attending burial
The BFD. Photo by Rhodi Lopez

New Zealand Doctors Speaking Out With Science


Long read.

A Plea for Sanity and for Action

As for the tens of thousands of vaccine injuries, including serious and possibly permanent heart inflammation, reported in person to the Citizen’s Database, we’ll leave that for another day. Suffice to say that these people are still here to tell their stories, and many will not rest until they have obtained acknowledgement and justice. Their ranks will swell as many more become vaccine casualties in the years ahead.

Coronavirus vaccine expert Dr Geert Vanden Bossche, late of WHO, GAVI and the Gates Foundation, has put out another stark warning that we have lost the game of immunity Russian roulette with the virus. Is he right? For some, indefinite boosters may be marketed as their life support against endless Covid variants, but at what cost? And there is far more to immunity than just vaccine antibodies – as the many Omicron patients are finding out.

From all our research, and according with our personal experiences within our families and social networks, we believe the rates of heart disease from the vaccine are already hundreds of times worse than the government is claiming and, along with other aspects of this ‘pandemic response’, will scar the history and the very hearts of this country for generations.

There is an evolving humanitarian crisis, and the government, police, vaccine industry and most doctors are lost at sea.

For God’s sake, people, let’s make our police and MPs put a stop to this now!


To be continued…
