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Well-known international relations scholar, Russell Crowe.

The biggest problem for the left-elite class, all across the Western world, is their inability to pull their heads out of their collective arses and realise that there is a whole other world of people outside their quinoa-proof fence. People who not only don’t think like they do, but don’t even care what they think.

This was especially notable in the 2016 US presidential election: Hillary Clinton rallied practically the entirety of Hollywood to her cause. The plebs in flyover country didn’t care less. One of the defining images of the Brexit campaign was the elites in their superyachts sipping champagne and hurling abuse at the “people’s flotilla” of runabouts and fishing boats.

Now, these preening clowns actually think people will care or even notice if they don’t grace the Donald and ScoMo with their presence.

Diary is reliably informed that Donald Trump’s White House state dinner next week for Scott Morrison is having a much harder time of beefing up its Hollywood star power.

And anyone cares, because…?

The issue for organisers is twofold: identifying Aussie film and TV stars in the US who have not put Trump’s nose out of joint by attacking him publicly, and also simply finding any of our Hollywood identities who either hadn’t been offended by him, or weren’t afraid that attending an event with Trump will damage their careers in the left-leaning US movie industry.

In other words, celebrities are witless sheep who are terrified of straying from the herd-think.

Russell Crowe? Late in 2016, he opened an awards ceremony by mocking one of Trump’s most infamous lines: “All right, American Cinematheque, let’s grab the night by the pu**y!”

Was that before or after he started hurling crockery at the staff? More likely the Trumps are simply terrified that Russell will, God help us all, sing. Anyway, every Aussie knows that Crowe is a New Zealander – and you’re welcome to take him back, any time. Please.

The Hemsworth brothers? Trump once gave his opinion about an early 2013 break-up of Liam Hemsworth and global pop star Miley Cyrus, in which he tweeted: “@MileyCyrus — don’t worry about Liam. You can do much better and you have plenty of time — remain strong!” So that rules out the Hemsworths.

Besides, there’s always the risk that Miley will start licking the hors d’oeuvres and humping the furniture.

In a move that apparently shocks the elite, it appears that Trump and Morrison will use the occasion for something other than circle-jerking a bunch of self-important idiots whose only discernable talent is parroting other peoples’ words.

Word out of Washington is that Trump’s state dinner for ScoMo is likely to be turned into an unusually intimate affair, with a total of just 100 guests.

But, but…however will the Western world survive without the collective wisdom of Russell Crowe and Naomi Watts to guide us? I don’t know about you, but whenever there’s an international crisis, my first thought is, What would the singer from Thirty Odd Foot of Grunts do?


Bolger Thought He Was Secure Too

Bolger Thought He Was Secure Too

Jim Bolger thought he was secure when he went overseas as Prime Minister, only to be met by my father telling him Jenny Shipley had the numbers to roll him. Chris Hipkins now dances with the same perils as he swans off to the UK.

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