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“Pride” parades: exactly why would a conservative even want to be associated with this?

In the classic Seinfeld episode “The Sponge”, Kramer causes a riot when he takes part in an AIDS Walk but, in opposition to “ribbon bullies”, refuses to wear an AIDS ribbon. The scene was in fact based on a real-life controversy: in 1993, actress Deidre Hall made a point of refusing to wear AIDS ribbons at public events, claiming that celebrities were being bullied by activists.

As Albert Camus warned, the “oppressed” too often become the oppressors. Once upon a time, gay rights marches were a chance for an oppressed minority to take a stand for equal rights. But that time is long past. Now, “Pride” marches are at best a stage for exhibitionists and publicly-funded fisting parties; at worst, bully-pulpits for Marxist Queer Theory extremists.

In fact, the majority of gay people now stay away from these events. It’s almost as if they don’t find anything to be particularly proud about mincing down the street in high heels and ass-less chaps.

David Cavey, the Conservative Party candidate for Vancouver Centre announced that he will not be marching in this year’s Pride Parade after the organizers banned the Vancouver Public Library and the University of British Columbia from attending.

This raises a number of questions: why would a Conservative party even be marching in a “Pride Parade”, anyway? And just how extreme is such an event that it bans public libraries and universities (and, again, what business did they have attending)?

“Pride Vancouver banished them from the parade because they each hosted speakers – one a strong feminist, the other transgender, whose ideas it disagreed with.”

According to the Vancouver Pride Society, they barred both institutions from attending for giving a platform to “transphobic hate speech”.

The Society pointed to the presence of two speakers: founder of Feminist Current Meghan Murphy, and Jenn Smith, who is a transgender anti-SOGI activist, as the primary reason behind their decisions.

In Murphy’s case, the Vancouver Public Library hosted a speech by her in January on gender identity and women’s rights which was protested by a number of transgender activists. While Smith most recently gave a talk on the SOGI-123 curriculum at the University of British Columbia, where violent protests broke out.

“SOGI”, like Australia’s “Safe Schools” and New Zealand’s “Mates and Dates”, is a radical transgender and Queer theory indoctrination program targeting even the youngest schoolchildren. Even members of Canada’s gay and transgender community have labelled it “dangerous”. As elsewhere, the far left resort to violence and intimidation against anyone who dares stand against it.

There are many homosexuals who are politically conservative, and conservatives’ natural concern for individual liberty should extend to equal rights for all. But “pride” events today are not about equal rights; they are a platform for bullies seeking to impose the most radical, Marxist agendas. Even genuine liberals, let alone conservatives, should give them a wide berth.

Cavey, who is gay himself, has marched in two prior Pride Parades in the city and along with his EDA, has been a longtime advocate for LGBTQ+ rights…Cavey said that the “principled” decision has received support among the LGBTQ+ community.

As gay friends of mine are wont to say, “I’d rather kill myself than go anywhere near a ‘pride’ march”. It’s long past time for politicians and public institutions to stand up to the rainbow-ribbon bullies, walk away, and, most importantly, cut the public purse strings to these extremist events.


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