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Are they softening Australia up to be the next Netherlands?

For months, much as the legacy media have tried to downplay it, the Netherlands have been rocked by protests by farmers and, spreading out to other groups, from truckers to firefighters. Far from dying down, the protesters are promising their “hardest demonstrations ever”. Similar protests are breaking out in Canada.

At issue is the latest harebrained scheme of the Climate Cult: “reducing emissions from farming”. The Dutch government is ordering farmers to slaughter their herds – some by up to 95 per cent. They’re also ordering farmers to slash nitrogen fertiliser use. Canada is jumping on the same bandwagon, ordering farmers to cut nitrogen use by 30 per cent.

The only problem is that nitrogen is the key fertiliser that’s helped drive Green Revolution that’s kept the world better fed than ever, even as the global population increases. The Netherlands and Canada are both in the top 10 food exporters in the world. Cutting their fertiliser use and livestock production drastically will obviously lead to devastating food losses.

At a time when the world is already experiencing a food crisis.

If that seems insane enough, consider also the fact that so many food exporting countries are jumping on the same bandwagon at exactly the same time. It’s almost as if it’s a plan… but I’m sure that’s just a crazy conspiracy theory.

As is any suspicion that the elites are softening up Australia – another major food exporter – to be next.

With several governments around the world pursuing limits on nitrogen fertiliser use in agriculture, how would farmers adapt if the Australian government took a similar approach?

This is beginning to sound suspiciously like the ABC tail wagging the Labor government dog.

Nitrous oxide is a greenhouse gas that is almost 300 times more potent than carbon dioxide.

And here’s Labor already signing up for “ambitious” “emissions reduction” targets – with the Greens bullying them to go even harder.

Countries including New Zealand, Canada and the Netherlands are pursuing limits on fertiliser application to reduce emissions, which Mr Murray says is a consideration for farmers here.

“There are considerations around market access and potential future mandates on how things are utilised,” he said.

“Potential”, eh? I remember when vaccine mandates were just a ‘right-wing conspiracy theory’, too. If the last three years have taught us anything, it’s never to underestimate just how quickly government reality catches up to loony conspiracy theories.

Speaking of loony theories, they’re trying to argue that slashing fertiliser use will magically “improve crop production”.

Some farmers are trialling alternatives to synthetic fertiliser under the broad umbrella of “regenerative agriculture”.

And how’s that working out, then?

Mr Batters said while he thought his trials were otherwise healthy, they were severely lacking in nitrogen and he had not been able to make up the shortfall with the alternatives he has used.

But, like communism, it’ll work next time!

“These things will work in a system once the biology gets up and going, but because our current system is so depleted of biology, it really hasn’t taken off.”

Mr Batters said he had not achieved the results he was hoping for but he would persist.

ABC Australia

These people are nuts.

Sri Lanka, here we come.
