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Will Gender Clinics Be Shielded by Aus and NZ Laws?

What could possibly go wrong?

The Great Reckoning for the gender whisperers is starting at last. Not only are parents pushing back against groomers in schools, but an increasing number of young people are ‘de-transitioning’ and calling in the lawyers. Britain’s Tavistock Clinic, which ran an industrial-scale operation of gaslighting confused kids into ‘transitioning’ and plied them with dangerous chemicals and surgical mutilation, is being sued by up to a thousand former patients and their families.

Tellingly, the NHS has closed and broken up the clinic: it what may be a move to try and head off the lawsuits. Australia’s equally nasty version of Tavistock, the “Gender Service” at Melbourne’s Royal Children’s Hospital, probably won’t have to even worry.

Dictator Dan’s apparently already made sure that they’re shielded from the consequences of their ideologically driven wrecking of so many young lives.

It would probably be illegal for Victorian families to do what their British counterparts are doing, and sue LGBTQ+ child gender clinics for harming their children.

For the same reason, New Zealand families are likely up the same creek when it comes to seeking redress for their harm done to their children.

Premier Daniel Andrews’ so-called anti-conversion therapy laws make it illegal for anyone, including parents of a gender-confused child, to do anything other than ‘affirm’ the child’s gender confusion. Previously, it was considered correct medical practice to challenge a child’s position to ensure they are consistent and serious.

Labor’s Change or Suppression (Conversion) Practices Prohibition Act, not opposed by the Liberals and supported by several in the Upper House, almost certainly means Victoria’s child gender clinics would be protected from the type of action victims’ families are taking against Tavistock.

These are almost identical to the Orwellian laws that the Jacinda Ardern government passed.

It is against the law for someone to try to change or suppress – or make you change or suppress – your sexual orientation or gender identity, even if you ask for help to do so.

The New Zealand bill similarly outlaws “practices that seek to change or suppress a person’s sexual orientation, gender identity or gender expression”.

Decoded, this means that if a child wants help to feel comfortable in their biological body, they are not allowed to receive it even from their parents.

It doesn’t matter how much damage a gender clinic does to a child who later regrets taking puberty blockers that have led to life-long sterility or potential loss of sexual function, help that doesn’t ‘affirm’ the original gender confusion is verboten.

Jail terms apply to anyone, including parents, who respond to such a cry for help.

This means a child who regrets the chemical and surgical alternation of his or her body and wants to join the growing number of de-transitioners must remain trapped for life, cut off from all alternative help.

Which also means that the gender fanatics will be able to defend themselves on the grounds that they had no legal choice to do otherwise. I vuz only obeyink orders.

Child gender clinics around the world chemically and sometimes physically castrate children and offer double mastectomies to girls.

The head of the Royal Children’s Hospital Gender Service in Melbourne, Dr Michelle Telfer, is on the record saying she would like to see taxpayer money used to fund the surgical removal of breasts for confused girls under the age of 18.

Don’t take my word for it, here’s what Telfer told a Victorian Royal Commission in 2019 (paragraph 51, page 10):

‘Of the 269 new patient referrals in 2018, approximately two thirds were post-pubertal trans males, many of whom were requesting gender affirming surgical services in the form of chest reconstructive surgery. The RCHGS does not currently have the resources to support chest reconstructive surgery although it does have the surgical expertise to carry out this procedure. There are also no private surgical services available for TGD adolescents under the age of 18 years in Victoria, leaving them with no option but to seek chest reconstructive surgery interstate or overseas should they be unable to manage their distress until they turn 18 years of age.’

‘Reconstructive surgery’ here is a euphemism for removing girls’ healthy breasts.

Spectator Australia

But, hey: it was the law. Passed by Labor and the Greens. They had to cut your daughter’s breasts off and chemically neuter your son. Anything else would be a “conversion practice”.
