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The Duke and Duchess of Sussex. WPA Pool/Getty Images

Prince Harry and Megan Markle are carving out a new life removed from Harry’s privileged upbringing and aligned to Megan’s aspiration to become Hollywood new royalty. Harry has thrown his past away to the winds of change and adopted a new ideology saying “the wrongs of the past need to be acknowledged”, exactly the sort of politics that royal family members are trained to avoid like the plague.

Of course, Harry is not referring to his own actions, rather to the history of his adoptive country and the intertwined history of his homeland. A personal apology for your actions is legitimate but to apologise for the actions of people no longer around to justify themselves is another matter entirely. However, they are the aspirations of social justice warriors, a common thread in the generation raised on the mythical concept of superheroes.

Harry makes his condemnation of Britain’s colonial forays from a safe distance on the other side of the Atlantic. This is not Harry’s fault, Megan will be quick to assure him,; we are simply putting to rights the damage caused by those who came before.

Poor Harry has been brainwashed. The viper he brought into the family nest underestimated the royal family’s centuries of resilience to interlopers, having none of Megan’s very modern soapbox. She received the same message delivered to all new family members which is “shape up or ship out” naturally, not delivered quite so bluntly. Royal family members are trained from birth to toe the line with new members passing through the induction process. Kate had passed with flying colours but Megan did not.

An introduction to genteel royal etiquette is delivered via an iron fist in a velvet glove and Megan did not take long to decide that she wanted no part of the British royalty’s “no-politics, no-nonsense” regime. What on earth was she thinking in assuming the royal family would bow to her demand for Sussex voice? After realising her huge mistake Megan extracted herself by choosing to ship out taking Harry and the royal offspring with her.

Do not fear for Harry. A safety net awaits back home when he eventually plummets down to earth. The royals have seen all this before and the Queen is surrounded by loyalists capable of sniffing out a threat at 100 paces. This story of a sinister plot to prevent Elizabeth from taking the throne was revealed in 2013.

“How very different it might all have been. Instead of celebrating the 60th anniversary of her coronation tomorrow, the Queen might be reviewing a very different life.

For a sinister palace conspiracy was secretly hatched to try to stop her becoming sovereign in the years before the death of her father, George VI.

At the heart of this sensational plot was her uncle – the former Edward VIII, who had abdicated in shame in 1936.

The plan was a simple one. The Duke of Windsor, as he was titled after giving up the throne, would return to Britain to become Regent – on the grounds that his niece (in her early 20s) was too young to reign. Once on the throne again, it would be difficult to dislodge him.”

The culprit in the attempted coup was very close to the Queen, in fact her uncle, who also underestimated the Queen’s force field of fiercely protective supporters.

Harry is collateral damage. Wrenched from his sheltered royal upbringing he was a pushover. No doubt Megan provided her apolitical subject with a crash course in politics, but his gauche presentation skills indicate that he is conflicted about his new role and heavily dependent on his spouse. British commentator Katie Hopkins agrees.

“Prince Harry and Meghan dialled into the Queen’s Commonwealth Trust weekly video call, which focused on responding to the Black Lives Matter movement.

Harry, president of the QCT, told them: “There is no turning back now, everything is coming to a head.”

Sure, Harry, listen to yourself. A head made up of rioting, looting and anarchy creating mistrust all built on the lie that African Americans are being systematically targeted and killed by white American police.

The duchess, vice president of QCT, said on the call: “We’re going to have to be a little uncomfortable right now, because it’s only in pushing through that discomfort that we get to the other side of this and find the place where a high tide raises all ships.

Equality does not put anyone on the back foot, it puts us all on the same footing – which is a fundamental human right.”

Megan is right: Harry is uncomfortable. QCT is the Queen’s Commonwealth Trust with the vision of a “world where young people are equal partners in driving change.” In the hands of young UK immigrants, no less, with scant knowledge of British heritage, these young recruits are perfect.

What is the “high tide raising all ships” that the doyenne of equality waxes eloquently about? In practical terms, worldwide equality is still a work in progress and in some countries not yet achievable. Douglas Murray describes the current culture wars as the result of “an exaggerated sense of one’s own virtue and innocence, but an equally exaggerated sense of the selfishness and corruption of others.” Murray is particularly troubled by the current obsession with searching for oppression, particularly racial oppression, by those who refuse to accept that oftentimes equality has actually been delivered.

The duke said during the 1st July presentation:

“When you look across the Commonwealth, there is no way that we can move forward unless we acknowledge the past.

So many people have done such an incredible job of acknowledging the past and trying to right those wrongs, but I think we all acknowledge there is so much more still to do.

It’s not going to be easy and, in some cases, it’s not going to be comfortable, but it needs to be done, because, guess what, everybody benefits.”

Apparently everybody benefits when wealthy people are forced to share their goodies with the poor. This is rich coming from the grandson of one of the wealthiest women in the world. Harry should make his next holiday destination Venezuela and ask the starving how they benefitted from socialism or any socialist country that ever was. How about the Hong Kong residents Olivia Pierson describes as “grieving over their loss of democracy” roughly wrenched from their fingers by oppressive communist laws.

The Queen’s coffers are impenetrable to grasping fingers, meaning that Harry and Megan can share their love but none of the queen’s money. But has Harry actually discarded his affluent heritage and sold his stuff to give the proceeds to the poor? If not, why not? Do Harry and Megan exhibit a pared back frugal lifestyle? If not, why not? Talking about injustice to solve injustice is not backed up by personal action. Perhaps that action will come as a result of money gifted by their sponsors. Or perhaps not.

Harry added that “all of us have been educated to see the world differently” but that it was important to acknowledge unconscious bias exists and then “do the work to become more aware”.

Oh, I get it! Let’s beat ourselves up over centuries of injustice, forget the laws our noble forbears developed for our safety, the police appointed to enforce them and the justice system set up to punish transgressors.

Harry might like to enlighten his wife, who is doubtless familiar with Rep. Ilhan Omar, who wants the Minneapolis Police Department dismantled while she figures out “what public safety looks like”. No kidding!

“Prince Harry and Meghan kept their roles with the trust after stepping down as senior working royals earlier this year. As part of that move, he stepped down from his position as Commonwealth Youth Ambassador.”

It is disingenuous for Harry and Megan to use the trust set up in the Queen’s name to fund subversive coaching of young people about Marxist philosophy that promises much and delivers grief. I suppose the Queen should be grateful they are not personally encouraging the desecration of historical monuments. The Queen did add the appropriate disclaimer to the QCT website removing herself from liability for an organisation set up to talk about problems rather than solve them.

The Queen’s Commonwealth Trust (QCT) is an independent organisation. Views expressed on the QCT website do not represent views of the Royal Family or the Royal Household. The QCT website offers a free and open forum where young people can share insights, expertise, advice and inspiration and come together to discuss issues that matter to them. The content and discussions shared by QCT are only intended to reflect the perspectives of those engaging with the platform.

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