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Will Hip Pocket Slug Wake up Victorians?

The face you make when you’re “saving the planet”. The BFD. Photoshop by Lushington Brady.

What will it take for Australia’s wokest state to wake up to itself? The world’s longest lockdowns didn’t do it. Staggering debt didn’t do it. Teargas and rubber bullets on the steps of the Shrine of Remembrance didn’t, either.

Perhaps getting smashed in the hip pocket might finally jolt them out of their “progressive” delusions?

Victorians will be driven into poverty by higher power bills after the state’s economic regulator pushed forward with its default offer increase, community advocates warn.

The Essential Services Commission (ESC) on Thursday announced there would be a 25 per cent rise, meaning annual power bills will cost an extra $352 for residential customers and $752 for small businesses.

Welcome to “Net Zero”, you woke loons.

It’s not as if you weren’t warned. British pensioners and poor have been plunged into energy poverty for the last few years, forced to choose between heating and eating, every winter. The British energy regulator admits that several thousand people die every winter because they cannot afford heating.

The ESC is trying to claim that the rise will not affect all power consumers. Bollocks.

The commission’s decision does not effect [sic] the 85 per cent of Victorian households on market offers, [Commission chair Kate Symons] said – a point the Consumer Action Law Centre rebutted.

When the default offer rose, so too would prices across all retailers in the market, centre chief executive Stephanie Tonkin said.

Victorian Council of Social Service chief executive Emma King said the increase was a “real body blow” to Victorians in the midst of the cost of living crisis.

“Make no mistake, this will drive people into poverty,” she told reporters on Thursday.

So, does she campaign for the government to let go of the obsession with “Net Zero”, which has seen reliable, cheap coal generation crippled by neglect and shut down?

Of course not. Free money will solve it all!

The commission flagged the state’s $250 power saving bonus as a way for consumers to find some bill relief.

Ms King said another round of the bonus would go some way to easing the strain on consumers.


Until they realize that it eventually has to be paid for by their taxes.

And Anthony Albanese, who promised more than 90 times during the election to lower power bills?

“Could have been worse!” he says.

The federal government wasted no time spruiking its interventions in the energy market, including price caps on wholesale coal and gas, saying it had insulated customers from even higher energy bills.

Government modelling suggests the market interventions have shaved $492 off the default offer price for residential customers and up to $1310 for small businesses.


Power bill reality says the government is pissing on our legs and telling us it’s raining.

Because they’d rather die than admit that their loony Climate Cult energy policies are what’s sending energy costs skyrocketing.


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