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If you think this is OK, you’re a Groomer. The BFD. Photoshop by Lushington Brady.

“Will no-one think of the Groomers?” wails Melbourne’s bastion of Establishment Leftism, the Age. For BFD readers, imagine if RNZ and the Spinoff had a baby newspaper. Picture the sort of newspaper that people in Grey Lynn or Ponsonby would read, if the Guardian mercifully folded.

It will surprise you not one whit, then, to learn that the Age is really hot for groomers.

A Melbourne cafe owner has cancelled a children’s craft and games event hosted by drag queens after being bombarded with what she described as bigoted messages, and before the discovery of threatening comments in an online forum.

As always, the question must be asked: Why do drag queens have such a burning need to get at children? Why is such an intrinsically sexualised culture so determined to intrude itself into children’s lives?

Well, we already know the answer to that, because the founder of such events came right out and told us, from the start: “Drag pedagogy”, according to Drag Queen Story Hour founder Harris Kornstein, is aimed at teaching children “how to live queerly”.

As for those who claim that “drag isn’t sexual”, the Queer Theorists are adamant to the contrary: according to Sarah Hankins, drag “seeks to subvert taboos”, including, she openly states, paedophilia.

More and more people are catching on to just what the drag enthusiasts have been saying – and are standing up to it.

Naturally, left-media like the Age are clutching their pearls and crying for the groomers.

The Rebel Cafe event, which was going to include colouring in, egg painting and games, is the second involving drag performers to be cancelled in the past fortnight after being targeted by activist groups.

Two weeks ago Casey Council, in Melbourne’s south-east, chose to cancel a series of drag performances in April and May due to protests from similar groups after receiving a threat assessment from police.

A protest movement seeking to shut down events for transgender people and drag acts has staged recent demonstrations in the US and UK. In February, a demonstration was held outside a British art gallery where a drag queen storytelling event for children was being hosted.

Sorry, groomer left: this is what happens when ordinary, decent people realise that creepy fetishists are trying to slither into children’s activities.

Anderson said the venue had operated for eight years and had hosted regular drag events for adults for the past two years without controversy.

The Age

For adults. Note the key difference? If adults want to watch a freak show of fat, ugly men in dresses failing simultaneously at comedy, singing and dance, well, that’s their problem. When activists proclaimed that what goes on between consenting adults is their own business, most people agreed. Kink for adults, in private, isn’t a problem.

But when these slithering perverts want to get at children? When they want to parade their kink in public? Then there’s a problem. That’s when the trouble starts.

No matter how much the Age weeps and wails for the groomers, the pushback against sleazy paedophilia activism – more than a few “drag for children” performers have been exposed as having sex crime records – is only going to grow.
