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To be fair we have been saying it here on Whaleoil as well but yes the National party caucus is restless and we predict a leadership change in around 2 weeks time. Winston called Simon a “nice bloke” but said that he is simply not “up to it.”

This is politics and politics isn’t personal. It is about effectiveness and cut through as well as about having the support of the caucus and the trust of the other MPs when you are a leader.

The good of the National party has to come first and clearly a significant number of caucus members think a new leader will be better than Simon Bridges even though he is a “nice bloke”

Bridges said that Judith Collins ” does the attack role well” and that he wants her to go out there and keep doing what she is so good at. He also said that he has a strong united team behind him and that he “trusts his colleagues” and that he” trusts Judith Collins.”

I think he is right. He can trust them to put the National party first.

Who do you think will be National’s new leader and do you think that our prediction of a change in two weeks will prove to be accurate?
