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Greens MP Larissa Waters expresses visible confusion when confronted with facts. The BFD. Photoshop by Lushington Brady.

The Greens sure have a problematic relationship with facts. This is, after all, the party whose star senator (which is a short enough list, given the Greens’ tiny representation) thought that a television drama was a documentary. The Greens have also made demonstrably false claims about everything from duck hunting in Tasmania to irrigation in NSW.

So it’s no surprise to find another Greens MP peddling blatantly false claims about the latest scandal gripping Canberra.

When Greens Senator Larissa Waters insists that “women do not lie about being raped” she is, of course, not telling the truth. And for the most cynical of reasons.

She made the comment after senior Liberal MP Peter Dutton described the alleged rape of a Liberal staffer as a case of ‘she said, he said’.

Dutton is absolutely correct. Like in so many such cases, there are no external witnesses nor solid forensic evidence. Like it or not, it’s all down to one person’s word against another’s.

But that’s just so many “hate facts” for the venomous harpies of the green-left.

Greens MP Larissa Waters expresses visible confusion when confronted with facts. The BFD. Photoshop by Lushington Brady.
In response, Waters tweeted:

Well, hate to break it to you, love, but some women do lie about rape. That does not mean that all or even most do – but some absolutely do.

The Queensland senator’s statement is demonstrably false, even if typed with caps lock. Some women do in fact lie about being raped.

A Victorian study of 850 reported rapes between 2000 and 2003 found that 2.1 percent of them were untrue, with complainants charged or threatened with charges for filing false police reports.

In 2019 a Canberra woman was jailed for three years for faking a crime scene and falsely accusing her former partner of rape. The former partner spent four months in prison before the charges were dropped.

2.1% may not sound much, but it’s still much higher than the rate of false accusations for other crimes. Other studies have found much higher rates of false rape accusations; up to 8%, or higher.

As the Canberra case cited above, some women will go to quite elaborate lengths to frame men. Other famous fake cases in the US include “Mattress Girl” and Rolling Stone’s “A Rape on Campus”.

So either Waters is knowingly lying when she claims no woman lies about rape, or she is astonishingly ignorant of the facts.

Neither is a good look – but hypocrisy is even worse.

Waters does not really believe that women never lie about being raped, or else she would have already resigned from the Greens in disgust.
Not only have several Greens politicians and staffers been accused of sexually abusing colleagues, but the Greens have a strange enthusiasm for accused rapists – providing they’re on the correct side of politics, apparently.

After all, it was the Australian Greens who, just this month, nominated Julian Assange for the Nobel Peace Prize. Assange was accused of rape in 2010 – a charge he has denied and which Swedish police have subsequently decided not to pursue.

Moreover, if women never lie about being raped, how does Waters explain her leader’s enthusiasm for Joe Biden?

[…]Would this not make the leader of the Greens, by Waters’ own definition, a rape apologist?

And if women never lie about being raped, how do we explain the Greens’ failure to advocate on behalf of Kathy Sherriff who alleges she was raped in 1986 by former Labor leader Bill Shorten […?]

The Good Sauce

Waters’s determination to “believe women” seems to be predicated mostly on which side of politics the accused belongs.

And if that’s not a triviliasing rape apologism, what is?

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