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‘Women are an Actively Oppressed Minority in NZ’ ( Eye Roll)

To be clear I have no issue with women, equality, free speech, LGBT or human rights. I have an issue with nations and companies implementing bigotry, racism, apartheid, sexism and social manipulation by deceit.

Here is a link to a new piece of NZ Women only legislation, as we seemingly head to a UK style dystopian feminist state, where women are not accountable, questioned or held responsible for their actions. If you question it you will be turned into a social pariah and will be attacked or ignored.

Here is one of the relevant sections from the legislation that is open-ended in scope.

Part 4 Pay equity claims
Employee’s right to raise pay equity claim
13C Employee may raise pay equity claim

Who may raise claim
(1) An employee of an employer, or a group of employees who perform the same, or substantially similar, work for an employer, may raise a pay equity claim if that employee or group of employees considers that the claim is arguable.

(2) A pay equity claim is arguable if—

(a) the claim relates to work that is or was predominantly performed by female employees; and

(b) it is arguable that the work is currently undervalued or has historically been undervalued.


For the purposes of this Act, work is or was predominantly performed by female employees if it is work that is currently, or that was historically, performed by a workforce of which approximately 60% or more members are female.

(3) In deciding whether it is arguable that work is currently undervalued or has historically been undervalued, consideration may be given to any relevant factor, including the following:

(a) the origins and history of the work, including the manner in which wages have been set:

(b) any social, cultural, or historical factors:

(c) characterisation of the work as women’s work:

(d) that the nature of the work requires an employee to use skills or qualities that have been—

(i) generally associated with women; and

(ii) regarded as not requiring monetary compensation:

(e) any sex-based systemic undervaluation of the work as a result of the following factors:

(i) a dominant source of funding across the relevant market, industry, sector, or occupation:

(ii) a lack of effective bargaining in the relevant market, industry, sector, or occupation:

(iii) occupational segregation or occupational segmentation in respect of the work:

(iv) the failure by the parties to properly assess or consider the remuneration that should have been paid to properly account for the nature of the work, the levels of responsibility associated with the work, the conditions under which the work is performed, and the degree of effort required to perform the work:

(v) any other feature of the relevant market, industry, sector, or occupation.

Recently in the UK and Europe, many laws and fines have been introduced to ensure women obtain 50/50 equity in the workforce, head-count quotas, women-only programs and education, preferential hiring, remote working and 1-year parental leave. (Equity is not equality)

Claire Williams of Formula 1 fame was recently labelled as a 28% pay gap cheat – However the measure isn’t about equal pay, as she employs the most women of any team with equal pay and opportunity.

I contacted the NZ HRC with concerns regarding NZ companies implementing non-transparent diversity and inclusion to implement those women-only programs in NZ, in breach of the NZ Human rights act 1993. Lion, AIG, KiwiBank, etc

I was informed verbally (again not in writing) that these do not breach “rights” as women are an actively oppressed minority in NZ so are exempt. This is a UN Women: The United Nations Entity for Gender Equality and the Empowerment of Women global initiative.
