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Wondering What All the Political Terms Mean?

person reading a book with hands on top of book
Photo by Aaron Burden. The BFD.


Wealth Tax: A tax that should be paid, by anyone who has more money than I have.

Capital Gains Tax: See above.

Rich Prick: See above.

Free Speech: Anything I say.

Hate Speech: Anything you say that I don’t agree with.

Racism: The idea that anyone should be treated differently on the basis of their race

Co-Governance: The idea that some people should be treated differently on the basis of their race.

Racist/Nazi/Bigot: Anyone who disagrees with or wishes to debate Co-Governance.

Te Tiriti: A document which gives all New Zealanders equally “The Rights and Privileges of British Subjects”

Te Tiriti Industry: An industry which seeks to secure unequal rights and privileges for some New Zealanders.

Racist/Nazi/Bigot: Anyone who disagrees with or wishes to debate with Te Tiriti industry.

Victimhood and Grievance industry: Established by certain politicians to justify their jobs.

Te Pati Maori: See under Victimhood and Grievance industry above.

Trade Unionism: A system which seeks to secure benefits and rewards for its members whether justified or not.

Public Sector Trade Unionism: A system which seeks to secure benefits and rewards for its members whether justified or not and uncaring of any economic and societal damage ensuing.

Global Warming: Something no actions carried out in New Zealand can affect in any meaningful way.

Global Warming ideology: Pretence that actions carried out in New Zealand can affect Global Warming in a meaningful way. Also, one which seeks to destroy the New Zealand economy in pursuit of this pretence.

Left Wing Ideology: One which the mainstream media consider to be always right.

Right Wing Ideology: One which the mainstream media consider to be always wrong. Also see above definitions of Racist/Nazi/Bigot.

Democracy: A system where every citizen has an equal vote.

Non-Democracy: See above under Co-Governance, Te Tiriti Industry, Global Warming ideology.

Dole Bludger: An obsolete term, now replaced by Job Seeker or Social Welfare Beneficiary.

Dignity of work: An obsolete term, now replaced by entitlement to permanent Job Seeker of Social Welfare benefits.

Green Party ideology: Conservation

NZ Green Party ideology: Socialism

NZ First ideology: Changeable through 180 degrees, depending on what the party leader considers necessary to win the populist vote and ensure access to the baubles of office.

Labour Party: A party committed to the redistribution of the fruits of your labour to those who do not labour.

Workers: A group much committed to minimising the amount paid into the Taxation System.

Non-Workers: A group much committed to maximising the amount paid from the Welfare System.

The Rich: A group much despised by those who are not.

The Poor: See above


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