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Won’t Somebody Think of the Muslims?

They’re the REAL victims of Islamic anti-Semitism – just ask them.

They’re the real victims, here. The Good Oil. Photoshop by Lushington Brady.

Here we go with Islam’s glass jaw, again. There’s not an instance of Islamic mayhem that can go past without Muslims whining that they’re the real victims. No matter how outrageous the Islamic bloodshed, somehow Muslims have to make it all about them. Whether it’s an Islamic terrorist murdering dozens of gay men in Florida, and just ruining the Ramadan holiday for Brooklyn Muslims, or the inevitable fretting that, as Mark Steyn so aptly put it, “Muslims fear backlash from tomorrow’s terror attack.”

True to form, as the outrage grows over a pair of Sydney Muslim nurses filmed bragging about how they kill Jewish patients, the overwhelming response from the Muslim community in Australia is either silence, or, worse, whataboutism.

Fatima Payman has spoken out on the backlash against Western Sydney nurses Ahmed ‘Rashid’ Nadir and Sarah Abu Lebdeh after they were captured making anti-Semitic remarks on an online webchat forum […]

Senator Payman took to Instagram on Sunday to express her stance on the remarks that shook the nation, claiming it to be a “double standard”.

Show us the Jewish nurses threatening to kill Muslim patients, then.

“We never see the same level of anger and vitriol when the roles are reversed.”

Because the roles haven’t been reversed. Literally no nurses have publicly bragged about killing Muslims.

Payman is far from the only whining Muslim trying desperately to deflect and play the victim.

Lebanese Muslim Association Secretary Gamel Kheir told Sky News he condemned the nurses’ statements but not the individuals because we did not know the full context of their comments. Just what context would render these death wishes justifiable is difficult to fathom.

The LMA also, incredibly, tried to argue that the nurses’ diatribe wasn’t really anti-Semitic at all: “Misrepresenting their words as anti-Semitic is deliberately misleading.”

These people are shameless.

Kheir also tried to make out a case of equivalence with Islamophobia, claiming that media and politicians were overlooking Islamophobia to focus only on anti-Semitism (victimhood again). When asked by Laura Jayes whether the nurses’ statements were indicative of broader anti-Semitic sentiments in the Muslim community, he said he did not believe this was a “justifiable” question.

Sounds like a ‘yes’ to me.

Not that we need these dodging liars to confirm the endemic anti-Semitism in the Muslim community for us. We only have to take note of the community’s own words and actions.

Nothing can pretend away how anti-Semitism has run unchecked in this country since the day after the Hamas atrocity in southern Israel on October 7, 2023. That is when Sheik Ibrahim Dadoun took to a street corner in Sydney’s Lakemba to proclaim the slaughter of 1200 Israeli men, women and children as a day of triumph and celebration.

“I am elated,” the preacher said. “It’s a day of courage, a day of pride, a day of victory. This is the day we’ve been waiting for.” Dadoun’s words were captured on video and broadcast widely, yet he faced no charges, no sanction and no serious public rebuke.

The following night an angry mob was burning the Israeli flag and chanting “F..k the Jews” and “Where’s the Jews” and possibly “Gas the Jews” on the steps of the Sydney Opera House, turning what was supposed to be a ceremony of mourning for Israeli victims into revelry at their slaughter.

Activist Drew Pavlou also highlights the forked-tongue bullshit pouring out from Islamic community groups.

One Path Network – an Australian Islamist media outlet funded in part through donations by Islamist Senator Fatima Payman – produced a video defending the two Islamist nurses in Sydney who threatened to kill Jews under their care.

Islamist extremist group Hizb Ut Tahrir – a group banned in the UK and most Arab countries as a terrorist group – also used an Australian based front page ‘‘Stand For Palestine Aus’’ to explicitly defend the two Sydney nurses, arguing that they were simply ‘‘mocking Zionists online while on their break.’’ They complained that the Australian media only singled them out due to Islamophobic bias.

The brother of Sarah Abu Lebdeh defended her comments, arguing that she had been ‘‘provoked.’’ This became a constant theme repeated by members of the Palestinian activist community.

Ramia A Sultan – better known online as ‘‘The Hijabi Lawyer’’ defended the two nurses, arguing that the true victims were Australian Muslims who faced being ‘‘entrapped’’ and victimised by Islamophobic media […]

Have any Australian Muslim community leaders spoken out forcefully against the two Islamist nurses who threatened to kill Jews under their care?

Not. A. One. Even ‘Mr Nice-Guy-Moderate-Muslim’, Jamal Rifi, fell straight back on the, ‘Yes, but…’ dodge.

When dodging isn’t enough, why not resort to outright lies?

Imam Syed Wadood Janud of Perth’s Nasir Mosque said the comments were “factually contradictory to what Islam teaches about the afterlife”.

“Islam teaches respect, compassion, and justice for all humanity, and such vile remarks have no place in our faith,” he said in a statement.

So, Islam doesn’t teach that Jews are descended from apes and pigs? The Koran doesn’t say, ‘do not take the Jews and the Christians for friends’? The hadiths don’t exhort Muslims to kill Jews? Muhammad himself didn’t say, ‘Kill any Jew that falls into your power’?

Don’t piss on our legs and then blame us because your sandals got wet.

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