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The word for today is…

nectar (noun) – 1. A sweet liquid that many plants secrete from specialised structures, often inside flowers, where it serves to attract pollinators such as certain insects and birds. Bees use nectar to make honey.
2. (Greek & Roman Mythology) The drink of the gods.
3. (a) A beverage containing fruit juice or purée.
(b) A delicious or invigorating drink.

Source : The Free Dictionary

Etymology : Nectar is often mentioned in conjunction with ambrosia, the food of the Greek and Roman gods. For centuries, English speakers have used ambrosia to refer to something with an extremely pleasing taste or smell, and nectar to refer to a delicious drink, especially a fruit juice. To the ancient Greeks and Romans, however, the powers of nectar and ambrosia far exceeded those of any earthly fare; consuming nectar and ambrosia gave the gods their immortality. In Greek, the literal meanings of ambrosia and nectar are “immortality” and “overcoming death,” respectively. Nektar is believed to be a compound of Greek nek- (probably akin to Latin nec-, meaning “death”) and -tar (probably akin to Sanksrit tarati, meaning “he overcomes or crosses over”).
