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The word for today is…

puckish (adj) – Mischievous; impish.

Source : The Free Dictionary

Etymology : We know Puck as “that merry wanderer of the night,” the shape-changing, maiden-frightening, mischief-sowing henchman to the king of the fairies in William Shakespeare’s A Midsummer Night’s Dream. The Bard drew on English folklore in casting his character, but the traditional Puck was more malicious than the Shakespearean imp; he was an evil spirit or demon. In medieval England, this nasty hobgoblin was known as the puke or pouke, names related to the Old Norse p?ki, meaning “devil.” (There is no connection to modern English puke.) But it was the Bard’s characterization that stuck, and by the time the adjective puckish started appearing regularly in English texts in the 1800s the association was one of impishness, not evil.
