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word of the day

The word for today is…

girandole (noun) – 1. A composition or structure in radiating form or arrangement, such as a rotating display of fireworks.
2. An ornamental branched candleholder, sometimes backed by a mirror.
3. An earring that consists of a central piece with three smaller ornaments or stones hanging from it.

Source : The Free Dictionary

Etymology : The earliest uses of girandole in English, in the 17th century, referred to a kind of firework or to something, such as a fountain, with a radiating pattern like that of a firework. Such a pattern is reflected in the word’s etymology: girandole can be traced back by way of French and Italian to the Latin word gyrus, meaning “gyre” or “a circular or spiral motion or form.” By the 18th century, girandole was being used for a branched candlestick, perhaps due to its resemblance to the firework. The word’s use for a kind of earring was lit during the 19th century.
